5 mins planks EMOM 5 3 Deadlift @50% 3 Clean Grip High Pull 3 Power Clean Rest 2EMOM 5 3 Low Hang PC @55%3 Mid Hang PC 3 High Hang PC Rest 2EMOM 5 1 Squat Clean @60% 1 Mid Hang Squat Clean 1 High Hang Squat CleanRest 2 AMRAP 1110 Front Squat 95/6510 STOH...Read More
With the incoming forecast calling for 12+ inches of snow the 5:15 and 6:15 classes will be cancelled. The rest of the schedule will tentatively remain unchanged. We will update you as the weather system progresses. We know everyone wants to come get swole and we will get the gym dug out and open as...Read More
100 Wallball Sit Ups Every 2 mins for 5 rounds: 10 Back Squat @ 55% AMRAP 10 3 Power Cleans @65% 5 HSPU Rest 2 AMRAP 10 20 Later Bar Hop15 KBS 55/35 10 Sit UpsRead More