Strength: Power Clean Barbell Cycling 12 minutes to build to a set of 5 Touch-and-Go reps Workout: AMRAP 14 6 Burpee Box Jumps (20/24″) 8 Toes-to-Bar 10 Hang Power Snatches (65/95#)Read More
Workout: 10 Rounds of Rowing: 1:00 On / 1:00 Off Track TOTAL CALORIES completed over all 10 rounds of work Strength: FLEX Day In remaining time, NOT for time: 14 Alternating DB Bicep Hammer Curls (7/7) 12 Bent-Over Rows (using same DBs) 10 Double-DB Front Squats (using same DBs) Increase weight each round if technique...Read More
Strength: E2MOM – 5 sets of 4 Push Press Increase weight each round. Take ONE breath at the top of each rep. Between sets perform 10 Starfish Toe Touches. Workout: 5 rounds for time: 15 Box Jumps (20/24″) 12 Hand-Release Push-Ups 9 Toes-to-BarRead More
Strength: Squat Snatch Complex 12 minutes to complete 5 rounds of: High Hang (Hip) Squat Snatch + Overhead Squat + Squat Snatch Reset before final rep Workout: 2K Row Test We will RE-Test this during our first Deload Week Three round Cool Down, NOT for time: 10 Banded Good Mornings 10 Knuckles to Toes Then:...Read More
Strength: E2MOM x6 of Back Rack Reverse Lunges Rounds 1-2: 6 reps per leg Rounds 3-4: 5 reps per leg Rounds 5-6: 4 reps per leg Increase weight each round. 10 DB/Plate Lateral Raises between sets Workout: EMOM 12 (4 rounds) 1- 12 Unbroken Heavy Wall Balls 2- 6-10 Strict Pull-Ups 3- :30 Double-Unders Track...Read More
Strength: 12-15 minutes to build to a heavy set of 4 touch-and-go Power Cleans Workout: AMRAP 12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (35/50#) Burpee Box Jumps (20/24″) One rep of Snatch (per arm) + One Burpee Box Jump Add one rep of each movement each round (L+R = 1 rep)Read More
Workout: 3 Rounds of: 3 Min AMRAP Bike for Calories Rest 1:30 3 Min AMRAP 1 Wall Climb (two count hold at most-inverted position) 5 KB Hang Snatches per arm (not alternating) 10 Speed Skaters (5 per side, big lateral jumps) Rest 1:30 Pick up where you left off on the AMRAP Score #1 –...Read More