Workout: 5 rounds for reps: AMRAP 4 10 Burpees 50 Double Unders (Scaled 100 Single-Unders or :45 of Double-Under Practice) 20 Alt DB Snatch 50/35 Max Effort Wall Ball Rest 2 mins Athletes should have a minimum of :30 for Wall Balls each round. Track TOTAL reps of Wall Ball over all 5 rounds. Athletes have...Read More
Workout: Twice through:3min AMRAP150m Run + Max Effort Box Jumps (Scaled/At-Home- Step-Ups)-2min Rest-3min AMRAP150m Run + Max Effort Push-Ups-2min Rest-3min AMRAP150m Run + Max Effort Sit-Ups-2min Rest- Track total “Max Effort” reps across all SIX rounds into one grand total. Push the pace on the run and prioritize FULL Range of Motion on all movements…...Read More
Workout: For 6 rounds:Every 20 seconds for 3 rounds:4 Touch-and-Go Snatch @ 40%At 1:00-5:00 Run 500m@ 5:00 repeat Focus remains on technique over speed. Chest up, big leg drive, use your arms to pull under the bar. Track weight on bar, feel free to log run splits in comments.Read More
Workout: EMOM 30: Rotate betweenMinute 1- 3 Power Cleans @ 65% Minute 2- 30 Double-Unders (or 60 Single-Unders) Minute 3- 7 Bar-Facing Burpees The primary focus of this workout is strong, single reps on the Power Cleans. Work to drive UP with the legs and pull yourself UNDER with your arms. Barbell should land on your shoulders with elbows...Read More
Workout #1: AMRAP 12 5 Pull Ups / Ring Rows 10 Deadlift (155/105)15 Kettlebell Swings Aim for unbroken sets of “medium weight” Deadlift and Russian/eye-level Swings. Rest 6 Workout #2: AMRAP 12 5 Handstand Push-Up / 5 Dumbbell Z-Press10 Front Squat (95/65) 15 Sit Ups Control lockout of both HSPU and Z-Press for a second, and take no more than...Read More
Workout: 7 rounds of: Every 15 seconds for 4 rounds: 3 Touch-and-Go Power Snatch @ 40% (same weight as last week) @ 1:00 Run 400m @ 4:00 Repeat Track weight used for barbell. In comments, feel free to track slowest and fastest 400m run times.Read More
Workout: AMRAP 8 10 Plate Ground to Overhead (45/25lbs) 10 Alternating Plate Toe Taps per leg 10 Sit-Ups Rest 3 EMOM 8 :30 Max Rep Burpees on Odd minutes :30 Plank on Even minutes Rest 3 AMRAP 8 15 Wall Balls (20/14 – Aim to complete each round in 2 sets max) 30 Double-Unders (60 Single-Unders) Score...Read More
Workout: AMRAP 30 1 Double Bear Complex 150m run Double Bear Complex = 2 of each rep; Power Clean, Power Clean, Front Squat, Front Squat, Shoulder to Overhead, Shoulder to Overhead, Back Squat, Back Squat, Shoulder to Overhead <re-rack on front of shoulders>, Shoulder to Overhead. That = 1 rep. Aim to complete all reps...Read More
Workout: EMOM 32 Rotate between:9/6 Calories on Rower or Bike (Pick one and stick with it the entire workout) 30 Double-Unders (50 if you’re really good!) 15 Sit Ups 5 Muscle Ups (Ring or Bar – reps each round should be completed in 2 sets maximum) – Modifications: 5 Pull-Ups/Ring Rows + 5 Banded Ring/Box Dips (full...Read More
Workout: For time: Row 1K (5:30 time cap) Rest 4 Run 1K (5:30 time cap) Rest 4 75 Burpees (5:30 time cap) Rest 4 50 Clean and Jerks 95/65 This workout should *not* be viewed as an active recovery day. The rest periods are designed to allow for athletes to have a long time between segments. That...Read More