Thursday 7/8


EMOM 32 

Rotate between:
9/6 Calories on Rower or Bike (Pick one and stick with it the entire workout) 

30 Double-Unders (50 if you’re really good!)

15 Sit Ups 

5 Muscle UpsĀ (Ring or Bar – reps each round should be completed in 2 sets maximum) – Modifications: 5 Pull-Ups/Ring Rows + 5 Banded Ring/Box Dips (full ROM and controlled reps for the dips. Don’t just bounce on bands.)

Track something fun about your workout today!

At-Home Version:

20 PVC/Broomstick Sumo Deadlift High Pulls / 30 DUs or Lateral Hops over object / 15 Sit-Ups / 5 Single-Arm Dumbbell Bent-Over Rows per arm (not alternating) + 5 Bench/Chair/Couch Dip

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