Workout: 8 Rounds of:2 Touch-and-Go Snatch @ 45-50% Every 12 seconds for 5 rounds.At 1:00 Run 150At 3:00 Repeat Remember, our primary focus on these training days is to improve technique and efficiency with barbell cycling. Increase weight from the last few weeks and prioritize moving well! At-Home Version is exactly the same. Simply alternate...Read More
Strength: 4 Rounds:15 Plate Ground-to-Overhead (pause in lockout)12 Dumbbell Weighted Box Step-Ups (6 per leg)9 Strict Toe-to-Bar/Hanging Knee Raises (slow controlled lowers/maintain active shoulders) Keep it moving between exercises, rest 2:00 between roundsTrack heaviest weight used for box step-ups (write 50 if you use 50# DB’s in each hand) Workout: AMRAP 123 Wall Walks10 Power...Read More
Strength: Shoulder Press for load: Today’s Strength is a 10 minute EMOM of 4 Strict Press. Each rep should have a 3 second pause in the lockout.Start light (empty bar for some) and add weight if technique allows.We’ll be working towards a 1RM Strict Press in 4 weeks. Track heaviest successful set of 4 reps....Read More
Workout: For Time:On a Tabata Timer: The whole workout is done in :20 on :10 off format. Must do in order. 100 Air Squats80 Sit Ups60 Push Ups40 Pull Ups20 Cals Rowing There will be a 25 minute Time Cap for this workout! At-Home Version:100 Air Squats / 80 Sit-Ups / 60 Push-Ups / 40...Read More
Workout #1 AMRAP 8500m Run Buy-In10 Power Cleans 95/6515 Box JumpsRest 3 (At-Home Version: 5 Alternating DB/KB Cleans per arm / 15 Step-Ups) Workout #2 AMRAP 8500m Run Buy-In10 Shoulder to Overhead 95/6512/9 Cal RowRest 3 (At-Home Version: 5 DB/KB Shoulder to Overhead per arm / 6/5 Bent-Over DB/KB Rows per arm – don’t need...Read More
Workout: 10 rounds Every :30 for 2 rounds: 5 Touch and Go Snatch @ 40% At 1:00 Run 150 @ 3:00 repeat As the volume of Snatches increases, remember that a proper set-up for each rep is the main focus of this progression. Chest up. Arms relaxed through hip extension. Move well! At-Home Version: 10 rounds...Read More
Strength: EMOM 10 5 Back Squat @ 45% Strength work is BACK! This is day 1. Priority should be PERFECT technique and control through every single rep. Let’s rebuild our Squats with awesome form! At-Home Version: EMOM 10 5-7 Hitch Squats per minute Using your DB or KB complete and complete 5 x 7 reps of a...Read More
For time:Row 1000m100ft Plate Overhead Walking Lunge60 Plate Ground-to-Overhead100ft Plate Overhead Walking Lunge40 Plate Ground-to-Overhead100ft Plate Overhead Walking Lunge20 Plate Ground-to-OverheadRun 1000m Walking Lunge distance will be a “down and back” across the Parking Lot. Aim to Row one of the 1000m distances and run the other. The order of them is less important. If...Read More
EMOM 24 – Complete 6 rounds @ 80% effort 5 Power Cleans @ 45% (Reps should be touch-and-go.) 10 Toes to Bar / Hanging Knee Raises (Controlled kipping or strict, no flailing.) 1 Wall Climb OR Forearm Plank + :30 to :45 Hold (Practice perfect positioning. Get inverted if possible,) Row 9/6 Calories OR Run 100m...Read More