Workout: 4 Rounds 15 Dumbbell Bench Press 15 Half-Kneeling Banded Row per arm 15 Med Ball Sit-Up + Reach 2 Max-Effort Dead Hang from the rig (or aim to accumulate around 60 seconds per round) *Over the course of the class Run 1600m (1 mile) or Row 2000m. Break the distance up into as many...Read More
Strength: Sumo Deadlift 15 mins for 5×4 Final set should be 3-5% heavier than last Sumo Deadlift day on 10/21/2020. Workout: For Time:7 rounds of:15 Double Dumbbell Front Squat 50/3510 Bar-Facing BurpeesRead More
Strength: Power Snatch 15 mins for 5×4 Final set should be 3-5% heavier than last Power Snatch day on 10/20/2020. Workout: At 0:00 – Row 500mAt 3:00 – 50 Kettlebell Swings 55/35At 6:00 – 8 Wall ClimbsAt 9:00 – Row 500mAt 12:00 – 50 Kettlebell SwingsAt 15:00 – 8 Wall ClimbsRead More
Strength: Front Squat 15 mins for 5×4 Final set should be 3-5% heavier than last Front Squat day on 10/19/2020. Workout: AMRAP 125 Power Clean and Jerk (155/105 *heavier than normal*)30 Lateral Bar Hops10 Toes-to-BarRead More
Strength: Push Jerk 15 mins for 5×5 Final set should be 3-5% heavier than last Push Jerk day on 10/16/2020. Workout: EMOM 20 7 Box Jumps 7 Push-Ups 7 Sit-Ups Score is the number of successfully completed rounds. ALL athletes complete final round.Read More
Workout: 5 rounds NOT for time: 15 DB/Plate Front Raises 12 Banded Hip Extension OR Kneeling Jumps 9 Single-Leg RDLs per leg 200ft Shuttle Runs (50ft x 4)Read More
Strength: Sumo Deadlift 15 mins for 5×5 Final set should be 3-5% heavier than last Sumo Deadlift day on 10/14/2020. Workout: AMRAP 15500m Run Buy-In with WallballThen5 Wallball Thrusters3 Pull Ups1 Power Clean @ 65%Read More
Strength: Power Snatch 15 mins for 5×5 Final set should be 3-5% heavier than last Power Clean day on 10/13/2020. Workout: For time:100 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)100 Sit-Ups100 Lateral Hops over KB100 Push-UpsRead More
Strength: Front Squat 15 mins for 5×5 with 3 “RIR” on final set.Record this number! Workout: AMRAP 4Max-Effort Burpee Pull UpsRest 2AMRAP 4Max-Effort Clean and Jerk (95/65)Rest 2AMRAP 4Max-Effort Med Ball Lateral Box Step-Overs (20/14)Read More