Strength: Back Squat Every :90, 1-10 Back Squats Start with 1 rep @75% and end with 10 reps @35% Workout: EMOM 12 :30 Max-Effort Pull-Ups on EVEN :30 Max-Effort Push Ups on ODDRead More
Skill Work: Handstand Push-Up Practice Workout: EMOM 1810 Dumbbell Floor Press + Pause at Lockout10 Floor Wipers with Dumbbells10 Single Leg Clean and Jerks with Single DumbbellRead More
Strength: Every :90 for 10 rounds: Back Squat Athletes will start by completing 10 reps at 45% and increase by 5% each round as a rep is dropped. The final round will be 1 rep at 90%. Workout: For time3 rounds of:30 Alternating Dumbbell Clean & Jerks20 Toes-to-Bar10 Handstand Push-UpsRead More