Workout: FLEX DAY5 Rounds Not For Time: 200ft Unbroken HEAVY Farmer Carry (down and back length of rig twice)12 HEAVY KB Alternating Goblet Curtsy Lunges (back knee taps ground each rep)3 Wall Climbs + ~5 second pause150m Run SPRINTRest exactly 2 minutes between rounds.Read More
Strength: Low Hang Power Cleans 5×3 (just BELOW knee) One second pause below knee AND in catch of each rep Workout: 16 Minute EMOM 1- 2 Squat Snatches 2- :30 Forearm Plank 3- Echo Bike Calories 15/12 4- 5 1/2-Kneeling Single-Arm DB Press per arm + pauseRead More
Strength: Deadlift 4×8 Final set should be heavier than last week’s final weight. Workout: 4 Rounds for Time: 10 Barbell Shoulder-to-Overhead 10 Pull-Ups 50 Double-Unders or 50 Lateral Hops or :45 of DU Practice Rest 1 Minute between roundsRead More
Workout: FLEX DAY 5 Rounds Not For Time: 15 Unbroken Dumbbell Bench Press @20X1 12 Banded Row @20X1 9 Alternating 1/2 V-Ups per side 75 Double-Unders OR 1:30 DU Practice Rest as neededRead More
Strength: Back Squat E2MOM 5×5 Workout: 12 Minute AMRAP 10 Alternating Heavy Slam Ball to Shoulder + Reverse Lunge 6 Handstand Push-Ups 300m/250m RowRead More
Strength: 2:30 Minute Rounds 5×4 High Hang (Hip) Power Cleans Increase weight each set if technique allows. For Quality, not Speed. In between sets perform 10 Slow Lateral DB/Plate Raises Workout: 4 Rounds for Time: 400m Run 15 Heavy Unbroken KB Swings 10 Plank Shoulder Taps (1 full second pause at contact) 5 Speed Skaters...Read More
FLEX DAY5 Rounds Not For Time: 6 SLOW Strict TTB/Hanging Knee Raise9 Barbell Bicep Curls (3 count lower)12 1/2 Kneeling DB Press per arm15 Banded Good Mornings18/15 Calorie Echo Bike SPRINTRest as needed between movements and roundsRead More