Warm-Up: 2-3 Minute AMRAP10 Jumping Jacks5 Downdog – UpDogs3 Plank Knee to Elbows 2-3 Minute AMRAP10 Squat + Stretch5 Knuckles to Toes + Leg Lowers3 Burpees 2-3 Minute AMRAP10 Alternating Super People5 Plank Step-Throughs3 Jump Squats Strength: 4 Rounds for FORM: Plank to Reverse Plank x2Hollow to Super Person Hold x5 Aim for 3 second...Read More
Warm-Up: 4 x 2:00 Rounds 1- Pass-Throughs, Around-the-Worlds, Good Mornings (use PVC, broomstick, towel, if possible)2- Heel, Toe, Bunny Hops, Squats3- Scorpion, Knuckles to Toes, Hip Bridge (all performed on your back)4- Scap Push-Ups, Press (standing or seated, weighted or unweighted), Unweighted Standing Reverse Fly Rehearsal4 Rounds10 Jumps/Squat (do a different 10 reps each round-...Read More
Warm-Up: ALL Segments should done as :20 of work, :10 of rest Part 1-Straight Arm Raises, Arm Crosses, Lateral Hops, Hop Squats x2 (4:00) Part 2-Down-dog/Up-dog, Cobra, Scorpion on Stomach x2 (3:00) Part 3-Squat Hold, Squat Hold + Press, Air Squats, Jump Squats Strength: EMOM 10 10 Squat and Press on EVEN15 Sit Ups on...Read More
Warm-Up: 3 Rounds3 Downward-facing Dog + Pigeon Stretch per side3 Cossack Squat per side3 Air Squat + Boot-strapper3 1/2 V-Ups + Alternating Super People per side30 Jumping Jacks 3 Rounds3 Lunge (Stretch, Samson, Jumping) per leg3 Inch Worms + Cobra + Push-Up3 Burpees Increase speed each round Strength: 4 Rounds for Form 1 min Plank...Read More
Warm-Up: 2 Rounds 5 all of the arm circles :40 Alternating Toe Taps 5 Quadruped reach + stretch per side :40 Jumping Jacks 5 Turkish Sit-Ups per side :40 Alternating Air/Jump Squat + Press/Sotts Press Strength: 5 Rounds for FORM not WEIGHT 15 Single-Arm Floor Press 10 Single-Arm Seated Strict Press 5 Single-Arm Sotts Press...Read More
Warm-Up 4 Rounds of: 10 Jumping Jacks – Arms Only 10 Jumping Jacks – Legs Only 10 Trunk Twists 10 Good Morning 3 Rounds of: 3 Scorpions per side on stomach – straight legs 3 Scorpions per side on back – straight legs 3 Scorpions per side on back – bent legs 2 Rounds of:...Read More