Thursday 4/2


4 Rounds of:
10 Jumping Jacks – Arms Only
10 Jumping Jacks – Legs Only
10 Trunk Twists
10 Good Morning

3 Rounds of:
3 Scorpions per side on stomach – straight legs
3 Scorpions per side on back – straight legs
3 Scorpions per side on back – bent legs

2 Rounds of:
10 Lunges – 5 per leg
5 Inch Worms
10 Knuckles to Toes
5 Hop Squats

Increase speed each round through each segment.


3 Minutes of Planking
100 Russian Twists (50 per side)
3 Minutes of Planking

Accumulate 3 minutes each round. Aim to not include rest time.
Plank on hands or forearms.

Russian Twists can be weighted or unweighted. Focus on controlled rotations.

Track total time to complete entire segment. Include details of variations in notes.


8 Minute AMRAP #1
Max Reps Weighted Step-Up (L + R = 1)

Hold anything, any way! Score should be tracked as COMPLETE rounds.

Rest 3 Minutes

8 Minute AMRAP #2
10 Power Jumps
10 Plank Kickbacks
10 Knuckles to Toes

30-Day Push-Up Challenge

Day 2:

6 Push-Ups

2 Push-Ups

2 Push-Ups

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