Workout: 8 rounds of:Every 12 seconds for 5 rounds:2 Touch and Go Snatch @ 40%@ 1:00 Run 150m @ 3:00 Repeat Today starts our cycle of improving “Barbell Cycling” with Snatches. Make priority number one to ensure the second rep looks as close to the first as possible. The weight should be light enough to be able...Read More
Workout: 2 rounds for reps: AMRAP 2 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch Rest 2 AMRAP 2 Alternating Weighted Box Step UpRest 2 AMRAP 2 Goblet Squats Rest 2 AMRAP 2 Alternating Clean and Jerk Rest 2 Track TOTAL REPS covered over all 8 round of work. Feel free to provide a more detailed breakdown in the comments section. Use the same...Read More
Workout: 10 Rounds of:Every 6 seconds for 5 reps:1 Power Snatch @ 50% @:30 Run 150@ 3:00 Repeat The goal is to move with solid technique with the barbell. Chest up and reset before every rep. This is final week of this variation of this workout. Next week we introduce “touch-and-go” reps. At-Home Version:Alternating DB Snatch reps...Read More
Workout #1: AMRAP 7 10 Overhead Squats 75/4550 Double-Unders Rest 3 Workout #2: AMRAP 7 10 Shoulder-to-Overhead 75/45 30 Lateral Bar Hops (every time you jump over the bar = 1)Rest 3 Workout #3: AMRAP 710 Power Cleans 75/45 5 Burpees Goal is to use the same barbell/weight for each workout. Aim to complete the movements “unbroken” or in two...Read More
Skill Work: Handstand Push-Up Practice – 10 Minutes Beginner- Practice learning to get inverted/controlling negatives/timing of kip Advanced- 8 Minute EMOM of 40% of Max Rep HSPU Workout: For time:10 Alternating Turkish Get-Ups 25/3520 Pull-Ups 30 Kettlebell Swings 40 Wall Balls 500m Run 40 Wall Balls 30 Kettlebell Swings 20 Pull-Ups10 Alternating Turkish Get-Ups Here are some goals for...Read More
Workout #1: Every 90 seconds for 10 rounds:Run 150m Aim to get ~:30 rest each interval. Shorten run distance if necessary. Track average split time. Workout #2: For time: 21-15-9 Deadlift (155/105) Toes to Bar Deadlift weight should be medium, not heavy. Toes to Bar ideally in sets of 3-5. Prioritize proper deadlift technique for the workout…...Read More
Warm-Up: 2 Rounds of- 10 Arm Circles/Stretches, 1 Inch Worm + Lunge Stretch on both sides, 3 Down to Up Dogs, 5 Scorpions per side on stomach, 3 Plank Kickbacks, 1 Burpee with High Jump With a light Kettlebell perform 2 Rounds of- 10 Single-Arm Suitcase Deadlifts / 8 Single-Arm KB Swings / 6 Front...Read More