Thursday 6/25


2 Rounds of- 10 Arm Circles/Stretches, 1 Inch Worm + Lunge Stretch on both sides, 3 Down to Up Dogs, 5 Scorpions per side on stomach, 3 Plank Kickbacks, 1 Burpee with High Jump

With a light Kettlebell perform 2 Rounds of- 10 Single-Arm Suitcase Deadlifts / 8 Single-Arm KB Swings / 6 Front Rack KB Front Squats / 4 Single-Arm KB Push Press + Pause / 2 Single-Arm KB Thrusters – Switch arms, and repeat. Then, complete both arms again!

Pull-Up Warm-Up (scap pull-ups, kips, etc)

Clean, Jerk, Thruster Warm-Up


AMRAP 12 #1

10 Pull Ups / Ring Rows – aim for sets of 3-5

10 Thrusters (75/45) – aim to go unbroken most rounds

Rest 5 

AMRAP 12 #2 

Row 10/7 Calories

10 Clean and Jerks (75/45) – aim to cycle most reps each round

At-Home Version:

AMRAP #1- 5 Single-Arm DB Bent-Over Rows per arm / 5 Single-Arm DB Thruster per arm

AMRAP #2- 15 PVC/Broomstick Sumo Deadlift High Pulls / 5 Single-Arm DB Clean and Jerks per arm

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