Warm-Up 4 x 90 second rounds:Move at your own pace through each of the rounds, AMRAP-style! 1- Heel to Butt, Heel to Face, Three Squats + Stretch2- Toe Steps + Heel Steps x3 each, 10 Hops in place3- Forward/Backward Circles x10, Shoulder Press + Reach x34- Lateral Hops x10, Windmill Wind-Ups x3Strength 5 Rounds of:10...Read More
Strength5 sets of 15 Hitch Rep Deadlifts Using the Dumbbell, hold with one hand on either end for greater range of motion. If different weights are used, track the heaviest load. Workout For time: 10 Rounds of: 5 Push Press Left 5 Push Press Right 10 Goblet Squat (Alternating Rounds of) 10 Alternating 1/2 V-Ups...Read More
Strength5 sets of Max Effort Push-Ups Prioritize range of motion and full lockouts over speed of reps.Go for it. We expect reps to decrease each round! WorkoutFor time:100 Double-Unders 30 Burpees 20 Dumbbell Thrusters (Left Arm)50 Alternating Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerk 20 Dumbbell Thrusters (Right Arm) 30 Burpees 100 Double-Unders 100 Double-Unders Modification =...Read More
Strength30 Reps of:“Kneeling Jump to Feet + Broad Jump”or“Double Broad Jump” Focus on Hip Extension, Glute Activation, and hang time. Land with quiet and controlled feet. Prioritize increasing body temperature and explosive movements (such as squat jumps) during warm-up, along with effective calf stretching. [Video Demo of Kneeling Jump to Feet + Broad Jump](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tn2QCH2TXF8) Workout...Read More
5×12 Deficit Deadlift @40-50% For time:10 Rounds of:5 HSPU 5 Power Cleans 155/105 5 BFB At home version:5×12 Deadlift Jumps (Use any weight available that can be easily held in your hand. Complete a deadlift and finish with a jump.) For time: 10 rounds of:5 Push ups with feet elevated. 5 Jump Tucks 5 burpeesRead More