
Strength: Back Squat 15 mins for 5×3 Final set should be 3-5% heavier than last Back Squat day on 9/24/2020. Workout: AMRAP 141 Bear Complex (135/95)5 Bar-Facing Burpees
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Strength: Power Clean 15 mins for 5×3 Final set should be 3-5% heavier than last Power Clean day on 9/23/2020. Workout: 4 x 4:00 Workouts with 1:00 rest between each 1- EMOM4 – 150m SPRINT 2- :30 On / :30 Rest Ball Slam 3- Reverse Tabata Bike x8 4- Plank
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Strength: Push Press 15 mins for 5×3 Final set should be 3-5% heavier than last Push Press day on 9/22/2020. Workout: For time:3 rounds of:21 Thrusters15 Pull Ups9 OHS
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Strength: Snatch EMOM 102 Squat Snatch Final set should be 3-5% heavier than last Snatch day on 9/21/2020. Workout: EMOM 20Starting at 7/5Death by Calorie Row on EVEN“Magic Number Burpees” on ODD
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Strength: Deadlift 15 mins for 5×3 Final set should be 3-5% heavier than last Deadlift day on 9/18/2020. Workout: For time:5 rounds of:100 ft. Farmer Carry15 Sit Ups15 Push Ups15 Air Squats
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Strength: 5 rounds NOT for time:10 Single Leg Hip Bridges + pause per leg10 Single-Arm Half-Kneeling Shoulder Press per arm10 Lateral Raise with Banded Hips Workout: For time:5 rounds of:Left Arm:10 Hang DB Squat Clean10 OHLW10 Hang DB Power Snatch Repeat with Right ArmNo more than 4 mins a round.
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Strength: Back Squat 15 mins for 5×3 Final set should be 3-5% heavier than last Back Squat day on 9/16/2020. Workout: AMRAP 12500m Run Buy-In3 Muscle Ups7 Snatch 95/65
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Strength: Power Clean 15 mins for 5×4 Final set should be 3-5% heavier than last Power Clean day on 9/15/2020. Workout: For time:21-15-9Deadlift 155/105Box Jump 30/24Burpee
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Strength: Push Press 15 mins for 5×4 Final set should be 3-5% heavier than last Push Press day on 9/14/2020. Workout: EMOM 15 50 Double-Unders or 50 Lateral Hops over line 25 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 12 Controlled Plank Knee-to-Elbows
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Strength: Snatch EMOM 103 Squat Snatch Final set should be 3-5% heavier than last Snatch day on 9/11/2020. Workout: AMRAP 5CindyRest 2AMRAP 5Max Calorie RowingRest 2AMRAP 5Cindy
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