Strength: EMOM 102 Shoulder Press + 1 second pause overhead in lockout Track the heaviest weight completed with proper technique and tempo. Workout: For time5 rounds of:1 round of DT 115/75150m RunRest 2 minutes between roundsRead More
For time:25 Snatch @55%Every time you drop the bar:Run 400m 25 Snatch @ 55%Every time you drop the bar:10 Bar-Facing Burpees 25 Snatch @55%Every time you drop the bar:Row 15/10 Calories The workout ends when the athlete completes their 75th rep. The 25 reps checkpoints just change the “bar dropping” penalty. Intended Stimulus: Barbell cycling...Read More
Strength: EMOM 105 Back Squat @ 50-55% Workout: AMRAP 147 Power Cleans 95/659 Toes-to-Bar11 Wall Balls Intended Stimulus: Aim to complete Power Cleans in no more than two sets and Wall Balls unbrokenRead More