This is the moment, the moment that we choose our own fate, our own outcome. This is what separates our current self with the version of ourselves that we want to be. This is a choice that we all have to make, everyone of us, regardless of our physical ability level. This is the moment where...Read More
Training of the Day Max Height Box Jump then 12 minutes, AMRAP of…. 6 hang clean (70% power clean max) 10 burpee pull ups 2 box jump (80% of max height) Competitor supplement TUT overhead squat. 4 down, 2 hold, 1 up. 4-4-4-4-4 @ 65% of 1RMRead More
***Skill work today- muscle ups and double unders*** Training of the Day Dead Lift 2-2-2-2 @ 90% on a two minute send off. then 12 minutes to…. Run 1500m Jerk 1RM from minute 12-14… 2 min ME double unders *For every pound lifted and double under completed reduce your 1k run by 1 second. Competitor...Read More
If you haven’t met her yet, this is Kourtney, your new coach! She’s kind of a big deal. Come get your swol on with her at the noon class Mon/Wed/Fri Training of the Day Front Squat 3-3-3 @ 90% then AMRAP 8 minutes of… 7 Pull ups 7 ring dips (or sub 4...Read More
Training of the Day Snatch 1 rep EMOM for 8 minutes at 90% 1RM then AMRAP in 14 minutes of… 5 overhead squat 10 KB high pull 20 double unders Competitor supplement 3 min ME kettlebell snatch (35/55) rest 5 min 3 min ME Row (distance)Read More
So excited about hosting the second workout of the CrossFit Games Open for our grand opening! Come do this workout with us then have a beer on us! Workout of the Day CrossFit Games Open 13.2 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of: 5 Shoulder-to-overhead (115/75 lbs) 10 Deadlifts...Read More
Training of the Day weighted push ups. build to a 10 rep max push up with heaviest load possible (have a partner place a weight plate on your back) then AMRAP in 6 minutes 7 knee to elbow 15 double unders rest 4 minutes AMRAP 6 minutes 7 push ups 7 power...Read More
Training of the Day Jerk, 1 every :30 for 8 minutes @ 80% 1RM then 1K run 21 HSPU 1K row 15 HSPU 500m run 9 HSPU 500m row Competitor supplement Prior to Main TOD… Build to heaviest 5 rep overhead squatRead More