Workout: AMRAP 24 – Rowing – 3 “Inchworm +” – 10 DB Bent-Over Reverse Flies (no heavier than 15#) – 10 Controlled Banded Pallof Press per side Start at 100m on the rower and add 100m each round “Inchworm +” reps stay at 3 & Reverse flies and Pallof Press stay at 10 throughout the...Read More
Strength: Squat Snatch Every 2:00 seconds for 6 rounds complete: 1 High Hang Squat Snatch + 1 LOW Hang Squat Snatch (pause just below knee) + 1 Squat Snatch (reset before final rep) Increase weight each round if technique allows. (Last performed on 4/6/2022) Workout: Complete two rounds of:AMRAP 310 Hang DB Snatch (5/5) (35/50#)20...Read More
Workout: EMOM 29(:40 on/:20 rest)1- Power Snatches (75/115#)2- Burpees3- Toes-to-Bar4- Double-Unders5- Rest Track TOTAL reps across all exercises and all rounds.Read More
Strength: E2MOM x 5 Front Squat x 5 @ 30X1 Tempo Workout: 5 rounds for time: 10 Double-DB Deadlifts (35/50#) 5 Handstand Push-Ups 10 Double-DB Front Squats (35/50#) 5 Alternating Starfish Toe Touches per sideRead More