Strength: 12 minutes to complete 4-5 rounds of: 4 Ring Dips (pause at each lockout) 8 Alternating DB Curls per arm 12 HEAVY Russian KB Swings Workout: EMOM 21 (:30 work, :30 rest) 1- Handstand Push-Ups 2- Double-Unders 3- Max Reps Ball Slams (20/30#)Read More
Strength: E2MOM x 5 Front Squat x 3 @30X1 Tempo Workout: AMRAP 5 800m Run Max Pull-Ups in remaining time Rest 1 minute AMRAP 5 500m Run Max Push-Ups in remaining time Rest 1 minute AMRAP 5 300m Run Max Air Squats in remaining timeRead More
Workout: Coach Mitch’s Engine Builder 5/13/2023 For Time:15 rounds of:1 rounds of Cindy + 15/20 Calorie Row Rest 5-10mins (until fully recovered) Then:Run 10 minutes Athletes who plan to wear a vest during Murph can wear one for both parts of this workout. There is no scheduled rest between the 15 rounds (1 round of...Read More
Strength: E2MOM x 5 Back Squat x 3 reps @30X1 Tempo Workout: Half Murph For time: Run 800m 50 Pull-Ups 100 Push-Ups 150 Air Squats Run 800m Weight vest optional for those expecting to use one during Murph.Read More
Strength: 12 minutes to complete 5 rounds of: 1 Power Snatch + 3 Hang Power Snatch (Last completed on 7/20/2022) Workout: AMRAP 14 150/200m Row Toes-to-Bar + Burpees Increase TTB and Burpees by 2 each roundRead More
Workout: Two rounds of: AMRAP 6 8 Single-Arm DB STOH per arm (35/50#) + 8/12 Calorie Bike Rest 2 minutes AMRAP 6 8 Pull-Ups OR 6 C2B OR 4 Muscle-Ups + 50 Double-Unders (30 is SCALED option, not F/M values) Rest 2 minutes Pick up where you left off the second time throughRead More