500m run Warm Ups 30 Med Ball Cleans Front Squats Working form 3×3 Front Squats with triple hitch @45% 3×3 Front Squats @ 60% For time: 40 Wallball 40 KBS 55/35 100 Double Unders 30 Wallball 30 KBS 100 Double Unders 20 Wallball 20 KBS 100 DU 10 Wallball 10 KBS 100 DU 5 Wallball...Read More
1k Run or row 5×20 Unilateral Press 3 mins Barrel Stretch Snatch Positioning and skills AMRAP 20 100ft Farmer Carry Walking Lunge 20 Alt DB/KB Snatch 35/50 100ft Farmer Carry Walking Lunge 10 DB/KB Thruster 35/50 Athletes must do farmer carry with TWO weights but it doesnt matter if its a KB or DB.Read More
EMOM 40! Choose your own adventure! Rotate Between: – 10 Medball Cleans OR 6 Double KB Cleans and 6 KB Front Squats – 150m Run OR 125ft Bear Crawl – 12/9 Cal Row OR 7 Burpee Pull Ups – 10 Alt DB Snatch OR 10 Steps OHWL (5 right/ 5 left)Read More
1k Run 50 SOTS Press 3 Mins Dead hang 10 Reverse Muscle Ups Muscle Up Practice 3 rounds for reps: AMRAP 5 5 HSPU 10 Pull Ups 15 Bar Bell Sit Ups 35/45 Rest 2 minsRead More
1k run 20 TripPod to Headstand to HSPU if able 5 mins Planks EMOM 10 30 Double Unders (Or practice) AMRAP 25 150m Run 20 Lateral bar Hops 10 Box Step Overs 10 KBS 55/35 WEIGHT VEST FOR RX!!!Read More