
Training of the Day
Warm-Up: :60 Slow Jumping Jacks10 PVC Pass-Throughs / Around-the-Worlds / Trunk Twists :45 Medium Jumping Jacks8 Squats + Stretch / PVC Good Mornings / PVC Behind-the-Neck Push Press :30 Fast Jumping Jacks6 SLOW PVC Overhead Squats / PVC Jump Squats (PVC on your back/chest up) / Burpees Strength: EMOM 105 to 7 Power Snatch @...
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This weekend brings with it a CrossFit tradition, the Hero workout Murph! Given the fact that we haven’t been in the gym much over the last few months, all athletes are encouraged to scale/modify more than usual this year. Please take care of yourselves!” Workout: “Murph” Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start...
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Warm-Up: 10 Frames of “ROW”ling Aim to land your rower on 100m exactly. Complete one burpee for every meter over or under 100, each frame. (Max of 10 per frame) <A score of 97 meters is 3 *under* 100, so the athlete should complete 3 burpees. A score of 105 meters is 5 *over* 100,...
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Warm-Up: :30 Jumping Jacks / 10 Stretchy Squats / 10 Neck+Shoulder Rolls / 10 Trunk Twists:30 Speed Skaters / 10 Air Squats / 10 Single Leg Hops / 10 Weightless Windmills:30 Mountain Climbers / 10 Hitch Squats / 10 PVC Passthroughs / 10 Plank Shoulder Taps Workout: 30 Minute EMOM:6 Rounds of-1- 15 Squats +...
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Warm-Up: :30 Small Jumps / 10 Inch Worm + Up-Down Dog / 10 Squat + Boot-strappers / 10 Knuckles to Toes :30 Medium Jumps / 10 PVC Passthroughs / 10 PVC Press to Row / 10 PVC Overhead Squats (slow tempo) :30 High Jumps / 10 1/2 V-Ups per side / 10 PVC Sumo Deadlift...
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Warm-Up: 2 reps of each, up to 10, increasing by 2 reps each round 1- Hop in Place / Lunge (L + R = 2) / Good Mornings 2- Arm Circles / Bent-Over Row / Linked Jumps 3- PVC Leg Swings / PVC Bent-Over Row / PVC Thruster + Pause Workout: 6 Rounds of- 3...
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Warm-Up: 3 Minute AMRAP- 15 Jumping Jacks, 10 Squat + Stretch, 5 Inch Worm + Knee-to-Elbow 2 Minute AMRAP- 12 Lunges + Stretch, 9 Shrug + Pause, 6 Plank KIckback + Scap Push-Up 2 Minute AMRAP- 9 Hop Squats, 6 Single Leg RDLs (3/side), 3 Tuck Jumps (single reps) Strength/Speed Work: Every 2:00 for 8...
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Warm-Up: 2 Minute AMRAP- 10 Jumping Jacks, 5 Squat + Stretch 2 Minute AMRAP- 8 Lunges + Stretch, 4 Inch Worm + Stretch 2 Minute AMRAP- 6 Bent-Over Rows, 3 Burpees 3 Rounds- 3 Scap Pull-Ups + 3 Kips (3 Negatives) Strength: 4 Rounds: 10 Strict Press + 1 second pause (At-Home – 7 Single-Arm...
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Warm-Up: 10 Rep Round: Single-Arm- Forward and Backwards Circles, Up-Downs, Crosses, Reach + Stretch, “Lazy” Plank Kickbacks 5 Rep Round: Heel-to-Butt, Heel-to-Face, Cossack Squats, Staggered-Stance Good Mornings, Broad Jump + High Jump 3 Rounds (with empty bar or single dumbbell): 6 Deadlifts / 4 Hang Power Snatch / 2 Push Press (behind the neck with...
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Warm-Up: 2 Minute AMRAP- Arm/Shoulder Stretches 3 Minute AMRAP- Up/Down Dog, Mountain Climber, Pigeon, etc (on stomach) 2 Minute AMRAP- Hip Stretch, Hip Bridges, Scorpions (on back) 2 Rounds- 5 Dumbbell Push Press (per arm), 4 Goblet Squats, 3 Dumbbell Goblet Lunges (per leg), 2 Dumbbell Windmills (per arm) Workout: 5 Rounds for Time: 100ft....
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