Tuesday 5/19


2 reps of each, up to 10, increasing by 2 reps each round

1- Hop in Place / Lunge (L + R = 2) / Good Mornings

2- Arm Circles / Bent-Over Row / Linked Jumps

3- PVC Leg Swings / PVC Bent-Over Row / PVC Thruster + Pause


6 Rounds of-

3 Minute AMRAP

20 Box Jumps (At Home: Step-Ups)

15 Wall Balls (At Home: PVC/Broomstick Thrusters)

Rounds 1-3 Max Effort Clean and Jerks in remaining time

Rounds 4-6 Max Effort Burpees in remaining time

2 Minutes REST between AMRAPs

You’ll track 2 scores. The first is the combined total of reps for the three rounds of Clean and Jerk. The second is the combined total of reps for the three rounds of Burpees.

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