Todays schedule will be; OG 10-12 12:00 OG 2:30-4:30 4:30 5×10 KB Deadlift Holding Breath EMOM 10 Magic #+5 Burpees Every :30 for 12 minutes. 1 Bear Complex 135/95Read More
5×10 Goblet Squats 55/35 Holding breath as much as possible. For time: 3 rounds of: 21 DU 15 Jump Squats 9 Pull Ups EMOM 9 Rotate between 12 deadlift 155/105 9 Hang Cleans 6 Push Press Rest 3 mins For time: 5 rounds of: 12 deadlift 115/75 9 Hang Cleans 6 Push PressRead More
10×10 Air squats Hold your breath every other set. EMOM 10 5 Back squat Start @ 45% and increase 10lbs each set EMOM 24 Rotate between; 15/10 Cal row 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs 20 Seated Strict Press 45/35Read More
Every 3 minutes for 3 rounds: 50 unbroken KBS 55/35 (you can breath for this one) 4×10 Clean and Jerks RX 75/45, 95/65, 105,75, 115,85 Rest as need to do UNBROKEN but dont rest more than 2 minutes. AMRAP 17 Rep scheme; 222,222,222,444,444,444,666,666,666 Wallball Alt DB Snatch 50/35 T2B 3 sets of 2’s, then 3...Read More
5 rounds of: 5(3×3) HP Snatch 45/35 Do a set of 3 holding your breath, breathe with the bar overhead and recover as needed. Then, do another set of 3, rest, another set of 3. Double Tabata Alternate rounds of: Double Unders High Planks Holds For Reps: 5 mins ME Wallball Rest 3 mins 5...Read More