training of the Day Touch and go power snatch; 3 OTM at 70% power snatch 1RM X6 minutes then On a :30 repeating clock do 1 snatch at 80% and 1 burpee, increase the number of burpees by 1 until you can no longer increase in a thirty second window. Repeat your highest burpee round...Read More
Training of the Day 12 minutes to build to the heaviest clean possible then AMRAP in 7 minutes of 10 pistols (alternating) 10 kettlebell clean and jerk (alternating) beginner class (Event 2) Develop proficency in the power and squat clean. Know the difference between a hang clean and clean from the ground. Then…. AMRAP in...Read More
Good morning future ninjas. Today please join us for yoga at 9am. The class is led by Julia Darling and has a suggested $5 donation. At 11:30, Dr. Missy Albrecht leads us through an hour long class to increase our range of motion and put our bodies in stronger positions. This mobility class lasts...Read More
training of the Day snatch from 20″ box. 2 OTM x7 minutes at 70% then 100 double unders, 40 HSPU, 40 toe to bar, 40 push press, 150m walking lunge with 25/45lbs beginner class (Event 1) Overhead squat- Pull up, ring dip as a skill. Then…. 7 rounds of 7 ring row, 7 pvc overhead...Read More
Spend 15 minutes drilling pose running as well as jump rope efficiency. Then: Workout of the Day 1 mile run, 50 slam ball, 800 m run, 40 kettlebell swings, 400m run, 30 pull ups Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More
Training of the Day Dead lift; 1 every :15 at 75% of 1RM for 3 minutes then 21-15-9 of… Hang clean (135/75) and box jump (30/24) beginner class (Event 5) develop comfort in an inverted position. 20 minutes to work on head stand, handstand, crow pose, handstand walk or any other variation in your...Read More
Training of the Day Spend up to 20 minutes developing the turkish get up. Focus on shoulder stability. then 4 rounds for time of… 400m med ball run, 25 split snatches (65/95) Desert… 100 candle sticks Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More
Lifting of the Day snatch 1 OTM at 85% x8 minutes, then Dead lift 3 OTM x3 minutes @ 80% then AMRAP 6 minutes of 10 KB snatchs, 10 burpees beginner class (Event 4) snatch as a skill. Then…. AMRAP 10 mintues 10 alternating KB snatches, 10 burpees Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More
beginner class at 10:30 (Event 3) build to a moderated front and back squat. Then… 100 air squats, 1k row, 100 air squats Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More