Training of the Day Build to 1RM Strict press (15 minute cap) then “Diane” 21-15-9 reps, for time: Deadlift (225 lbs / 155 lbs) Handstand push-ups Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More
Workout of the Day Back Squat Find your 1 rep max. 5-5@80% 4-4@85% 2-2@90% (two sets of 5 @…% etc.) then EMOM 1 Squat Clean Thruster 1 Push Press 1 Strict Press Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More
Training of the Day AMRAP in 5 minuts of… 5 handstand push ups, 15 double unders then 5 rounds of 150m farmer carry, 3 tire flips, 2 rope climbs, 1 dead lift (85%) beginner class (Event 3) back squat. Build to a moderate weight. Then…. Buy in 40 wall ball, 3 rounds of 50ft walking...Read More
Hey, gang, its Tuesday so you know what that means? Dr. Missy Albrecht from Invincible Athlete will be running mobility classes on the half hour from 6pm to 8pm. Come before the 6:30 to get mobile or stay after the 5:30. Warm up for the 7:30 class with her. Hope to see you there! ...Read More
Training of the Day Use 20 minutes to fully warm up and work on snatch then 2k run, 3 minutes to hit max snatch, 3 minutes max rep burpees. (Every pound is equal to 1 burpee. Each rep reduces run time by 1 second) beginner class (Event 2) Clean- AMRAP in 9 minutes of…5 power...Read More
Yoga has moved and will now be held at 2pm from now on! We hope to see all of you there! beginner class at 10:30 Develop the overhead squat then “Nancy” 5 rounds for time of: 400 meter run 15 Overhead squats (95 lbs) Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More