Strength: Athletes will have 20 minutes to build to a 3RM Back Squat Workout: ARMAP 12 Increasing ladder of Burpee and Box Jump Complete 1 rep of each, 2 reps of each, 3 reps of each, and so on.Read More
Strength: Snatch EMOM 101 Squat Clean TEST WEEK! Go for it and build to today’s 1 Rep Max! Workout: AMRAP 716 DB Hang Clean and Jerk12 Sit-Ups Rest 3 minutes AMRAP 716 Alternating DB Snatches12 Unweighted Lateral Box Step-OversRead More
Skill: Handstand Push-Up Practice Workout: 10 Rounds NOT for time!10 rounds of Cindy – As Strict As PossibleScale each movement to be completed difficult as possible.Movement should be fairly continuous, the goal is steady state cardio.Pull-Ups and Squats should be unbroken. Push-Ups in sets of 5.Read More
Strength: Push Jerk 15 mins for 5×2 TEST WEEK! Go for it and build to today’s 2 Rep Max! Workout: For Time:5 rounds of:15 Wallball150m Run5 Burpee Pull-UpsRest 1 min between roundsRead More
Strength: Sumo Deadlift 15 mins for 5×2 TEST WEEK! Go for it and build to today’s 2 Rep Max! Workout: AMRAP 430 Box Jumps30 Kettlebell Swings (55/35)Max-Effort Calorie BikeRest 2AMRAP 430 Box Jumps30 Kettlebell Swings (55/35)Max-Effort Calorie RowRest 2AMRAP 430 Box Jumps30 Kettlebell Swings (55/35)Max-Effort BurpeesScore is TOTAL Max-Effort Calories + Reps of BurpeesRead More