EMOM 5 Run two lengths of the gym holding your breath. Every :45 for 15 Rounds 3 Touch and Go Snatch 95/65 AMPAP 7 Squat Clean and Jerk 135/95Read More
Every :30 for 10 rounds; 10 KB Swings…. yup, keep holding that breath. EMOM 10 1 STOH @ 85% Max Jerk Each round add 1 rep and decrease weight. Last round should be 10 reps 40-50% AMRAP 17 10 OHS 95/65 10 Box Jump Overs 5 Muscle UpsRead More
Every :30 for 10 rounds: 5 Squat Jumps holding breath. EMOM 10 5 Squat Cleans Start at 30% and increase 5-10# per set. Should be Touch n’ Go! EMOM 10 Burpees Magic # +2 AMRAP 7 20 DU 10 Sit UpsRead More
Every :30 for 10 rounds 3 burpees . Yes, while holding your breath. Every 3:00 for 5 rounds Row 500m 10 STOH 115/75 EMOM 15 1 Bear Complex 115/75 1 Curtis PRead More