Every :45 for 7 rounds; 12 air squats while holding breath EMOM 40 Rotate between; 8 Deadlift 6 Power Clean 4 STOH 2 Snatch Use 70% max snatchRead More
Every :45 for 7 rounds: 10 Air Squats while holding your breath. Back Squat 5@50% 3@60% 2@70% 1@80% 10×1 80%-ME EMOM 10 3 Touch and Go Snatch @50% Rest 3 mins AMRAP 9 5 Front Squats (Snatch Weight) 30 DU 5 MURead More
Every :45 for 7 rounds: 10 KBS while holding your breath Snatch 5@ 60% 4@70% 2@80% 10×1 80%-ME ME Burpees in :20, take score and subtract, this will be your “Magic #”. EMOM 10 1 Clean and Jerk 75/45 Add 1 rep per round Then immediately into; EMOM 10 Magic # of BurpeesRead More
Every :45 for 5 rounds; 10 KBS while holding breath. Push Press 5@60% 3@70% 2@80% 5×1@85-ME For time: 21-15-9 Deadlift 225/145 Box Jump 30/24 HSPU BurpeesRead More
Every :45 for 5 rounds; 10 KBS While holding your breath. Back Squat 3@60% 3@70% 5×1 80-90% AMRAP 18 11 Snatch 95/65 11 T2B 11 OHS 95/65 11 Box Jump 24/20Read More
50 KBS Back Squat 3@60% 3@70% 3×2@ 80% Power Clean 3@60% 3@70% 3@75% 5×1@80% For time! 5 Rounds of: 15 Wallball 10 Pull Ups 2 Hang Clean and Jerk 165/115Read More