Skill Work: Handstand Push-Up Practice – 10 Minutes Beginner- Practice learning to get inverted/controlling negatives/timing of kip Advanced- 8 Minute EMOM of 40% of Max Rep HSPU Workout: For time:10 Alternating Turkish Get-Ups 25/3520 Pull-Ups 30 Kettlebell Swings 40 Wall Balls 500m Run 40 Wall Balls 30 Kettlebell Swings 20 Pull-Ups10 Alternating Turkish Get-Ups Here are some goals for...Read More
Workout #1: Every 90 seconds for 10 rounds:Run 150m Aim to get ~:30 rest each interval. Shorten run distance if necessary. Track average split time. Workout #2: For time: 21-15-9 Deadlift (155/105) Toes to Bar Deadlift weight should be medium, not heavy. Toes to Bar ideally in sets of 3-5. Prioritize proper deadlift technique for the workout…...Read More
Warm-Up: 2 Rounds of- 10 Arm Circles/Stretches, 1 Inch Worm + Lunge Stretch on both sides, 3 Down to Up Dogs, 5 Scorpions per side on stomach, 3 Plank Kickbacks, 1 Burpee with High Jump With a light Kettlebell perform 2 Rounds of- 10 Single-Arm Suitcase Deadlifts / 8 Single-Arm KB Swings / 6 Front...Read More
Warm-Up: 3 Rounds (get faster each round) 10 Jumping Jacks / 8 Heel-to-Butt + Lunge + Stretch (4 per side) / 6 Stretchy Squats / 4 Inch Worm + Up and Down Dog / 2 Burpees (jump higher each round) Toe to Bar Warm-Up on Rig Barbell Warm-Up for Cleans and Shoulder to Overhead Workout:...Read More
Warm-Up: 5 Minute AMRAP 10 Jumping Jacks / Then 5 reps each of Leg Swings w PVC per leg / PVC Pass-Throughs + Around-the-Worlds / Good Mornings / Behind-the-Neck Snatch Grip Push Press / Overhead Squats 2 Rounds of: “The 56’s” – 5 movements, 6 reps of each Snatch Grip Deadlift, High Hang High Pulls,...Read More
Warm-Up: 150m Slow Run (:45 of cardio) 5 Reps each of: Arm Circles/Crosses, Heel-to-Butt + Lunge per leg, Stretchy-Squats + Rotation, Staggered-Stance Good Mornings, Wrist Stretches, Inch Worm + Scap Push-Ups 150m Medium Run (:45 of cardio) 5 Reps each of: Empty Bar Romanian Deadlifts, High Hang Power Cleans, Pause Front Squats, Push Press +...Read More