Training of the Day snatch balance 5-5-4-4-3-3 (Increase weight each round) then Overhead squat 5 @ 60%, 4 @ 70% 3 @ 80%, 2 @ 90%, 1 @ 1RM, Then up to 3 attempts to establish a new 1RM then AMRAP in 8min of… 8 Thrusters (115/75) 8 pull ups Competitor Supplement 3 snatches on...Read More
training of the Day A.) Back Squat Find your 10 rep max. you have 20 minutes to establish. think 75-80% of 1RM then B.) 3 Rounds for time of… 10 Dead lift (60% 1RM) 20 push ups 30 weight plate ground to overhead (45/25) 40 air squats Competitor supplement 5 rounds of… 4 strict pull...Read More
When asked, “What am I going to do with all this fitness???” This is how Kyle, Christina and Natalie responded! Training of the Day A.) Clean ladder. Starting at 60% of your 1RM do 1 clean on the minute. Increase weight by 5lbs (ladies) 10lbs guys until failure. If you miss before minute 12, repeat...Read More
We have open gym time from 10-2. Coaches will be on hand to help you with any skills that you may be lacking on. Don’t forget to sign up for the 2013 CrossFit Games Open Read More
Join us at 10:30 for an “all levels welcome” CrossFit workout. This is a great opportunity to see what CrossFit is all about. Bring a friend and start your weekend off right! Don’t have a clue how to do CrossFit? That is okay, we will walk you through each movement then have an awesome time getting...Read More
Photo credit; CF Whiteboard I spend a lot of time discussing physiology but today I want to take the talk upstairs and discuss why CrossFit works from a psychological perspective. One of the things that makes CrossFit workouts so effective is something called the Social facilitation theory. Social facilitation theory is the tendency for people who...Read More
Training of the Day 2-2-2-2 Dead Lift @ 92-95% of 1RM then 3 Rounds of… max unbroken knee to elbow rest 1 minute 500m row TT rest 2 minutes for every second variance from your first row subtract 1 knee to elbow “point” *Example- If you got 40, 30, 20 K2E your score would be...Read More
DogFit Training of the Day A.) Front squat / Drop Squat 1 F.S. @ 90% 1RM followed immediately by 8 drop squats at 60% Rest 90 seconds, repeat 6 times. *note, you will need two bars set up next to each other for this B.) Clean/Pull up ladder AMRAP…… Do 1 squat clean at 80%...Read More
Training of the Day Jerk, On the Minute @90-95% of current 1RM for 8 minutes. then 50 double unders 40 push press 30 Kettlebell swings 20 ring dips 30 kettlebell swings 40 push ups 50 double unders then Competitor Supplement 40 pistols (alternating legs), 50ft handstand walk, 20 pistolsRead More
We can’t thank our friend Heather Shaughnessy enough for taking so many amazing pictures last week! Athletes, if you are busted up visit her HERE. Training of the Day Time Under Tension Over Head Squat 5 Second decent, 2 second hold at bottom, 2 second accent 5-4-3-2-2 @ 60% of 1RM then 6 rounds of...Read More