Strength: 12 minutes to complete of 4-5 rounds of: 3 Push Jerks + 1 Split Jerk Increase weight each round. Workout: AMRAP 12 200/250m Row 8 Single-Arm DB Hang Clean and Jerks per arm (35/50#) (not alternating) 8 Hand-Release Push-UpsRead More
Workout: 6 rounds of 3:00 rounds + 1:00 rest 150m Run / 10 Hang Power Snatch (55/75) / 10 Lateral Hops over Barbell / Max reps Deadlift (same bar) 150m Run / 12 Front Squats (55/75#) / 12 Lateral Hops over Barbell / Max Reps HSPU (sub DB Z-Press) 150m Run / 14 Power Cleans...Read More
Workout: FLEX Day Complete 5 rounds, NOT for time, of: 200 Heavy Carries (Farmers, Sandbag, Mixed-Grip Partner, etc) 8 Windmills (4/4) 10 reps of Linked Jump Squat into Broad Jump 12 DB Pull-Overs Increase weight each round if technique allows.Read More
Workout: EMOM 30 1- :30 Toes-to-Bar 2- 8 Single-Arm DB STOH per arm (20/35#) 3- :30 Burpees 4- 6 Single-Arm DB Renegade Rows per arm (20/35#) 5- 30/50 Double-Unders Track TOTAL REPS of TTB and BurpeesRead More
Workout: Partner Workout – “Cindy on Wheels” AMRAP 24 P1 Completes 1 round of Cindy while P2 Bikes After the final Air Squat, P1 hops on the bike and P2 completes 1 round of Cindy Next round each partner completes 2 rounds of Cindy, then 3 rounds each. After 3 rounds each, start back over...Read More
Two-Minute Tester: Max Reps American Kettlebell Swings Workout: NOT for time: 150m Run / 10 Clean and Jerks 150m Run / 8 Clean and Jerks 150m Run / 6 Clean and Jerks 150m Run / 4 Clean and Jerks 150m Run / 2 Clean and Jerks Increase weight on Clean and Jerks each round.Read More
Skill Work: Handstand/Handstand Push-Up/Handstand Walk Skill Work (12 minutes) Workout: FLEX Day Complete 4 rounds, NOT for time, of: 8 HEAVY Sandbag/Slam Ball Over Shoulder 8 Deficit Push-Ups w pause 8 SLOW Tempo Ring Rows 15/20 Calorie Bike SPRINTRead More
Strength: 12 minutes to build to a heavy set of: Squat Snatch + High Hang Squat Snatch Increase weight each round. Workout: 4 rounds for time: 400m Run 10 Hang Power Clean (65/95#) 20 Wall Balls (14/20#)Read More
Strength: 12 minutes to complete 4-5 sets of: 4-6 Dips + 10-15 Banded Good Mornings Workout: ***Repeat of our 2021 VO2 Max Training Cycle Tester*** Track total Reps + Calories: 4 rounds of: 1 min Max-Effort: Burpees Slam Balls Double Dumbbell Shoulder-to-Overhead (35/25#) Row for Calories Rest 2 min ***We completed this workout on 4/6/2021...Read More