50 KBS Snatch Pulls 85%/2, (105%/2)x4 Back Squat 60%/3, 70%/3, (80%/2)x2 For reps! AMRAP 4 Squat clean and jerk 165/105 Rest 2 mins AMRAP 4 Bar Facing Burpees Rest 2 minutes AMRAP 4 Squat clean and jerk 165/105Read more
50 KBS Power Jerk 50%/2, 60%/2, 70%/2, (75%/2)x3 Deficit Deadlift 50%/2, 60%/2, (70%/2)x2, (75%/2)x2 For reps on a 3 min clock: 5 rounds of: 5 Ring Muscle Ups 7 Wallball Sit Ups 9 Box Jump Overs ME Snatch 95/65 Rest 1 min Between roundsRead more
50 KBS Back Squat 60%/5, 70%/4, (80%/3)x4 Power Clean 60%/3, 70%/3, 75%/3, (80%/1)x6 EMOM 12 12 burpees then ME wallball Each minute do 1 less burpeeRead more
25 KBS Snatch Pulls 85%/2, 95%/2, (105%/2)x4 5 rounds for reps! On a 3 minute clock; 10 bar facing burpees 10 Box Jumps 24/20 ME Clean and Jerks @ 65% Rest 1 minute between rounds.Read more