Workout: For Time:On a Tabata Timer: The whole workout is done in :20 on :10 off format. Must do in order. 100 Air Squats80 Sit Ups60 Push Ups40 Pull Ups20 Cals Rowing There will be a 25 minute Time Cap for this workout! At-Home Version:100 Air Squats / 80 Sit-Ups / 60 Push-Ups / 40 PVC or Broomstick Sumo Deadlift High Pull / 20 Bent-Over Controlled Dumbbell Rows per arm Tracking will look like this:The Tabata Timer will keep counting up in :20 on, :10 rest intervals. When you complete your workout, you’ll write your score as “Rounds + Reps” If you finish the workout 8 seconds into the 38th Tabata round, your score will be 37 rounds (the last round you completed) + 8 reps (the number of seconds in the final round). I’ll explain it in person tomorrow, too!
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