With respect to the Holiday we will be offering 1 class at 10AM, and open gym immediately following the class from 11AM to noon. We hope you enjoy our workout and have time to get to a cook-out or a park with your loved ones. Looking forward to seeing you there! Workout of the Day “Jack” As...Read More
A few announcements for today and tomorrow. Yoga is cancelled due to the holiday, but will resume at it’s new time at 3pm next week. Mobility will be held at its new time on Tuesday evening this week, not Sundays. And the gym will be open for a class at 10am tomorrow and open gym...Read More
Testing of the Day Split Jerk Find your 1 rep max. then “Grace” 30 reps for time: Clean and Jerk (135 lbs) beginner class (Event 4) Snatch; learn the snatch. Difference between the hang, power and full. Then 1k row time trial. Rest 2 minutes. 50 burpees for time Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More
Testing of the Day Clean Find your 1 rep max. 20 minutes to establish 1RM then “Elizabeth” 21-15-9 reps, for time: Clean (135 lbs) Ring Dips Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More
Training of the Day easy 2k row or run. 12 wall ball on the even minute, 12 kettlebell swings on the odd minute for 16 total minutes. (Easy day, testing tomorrow and Friday so leave a little in the tank) beginner class (Event 3) Squat:Establish profeciency in full range front squat, build to a moderate...Read More
Gang, remember that Missy of Invincible Athlete will be running mobility sessions that last 30 minutes and begin at the top of the hour or the half hour. Come see how to loosen up those hips and ankles prior to squatting and running tonight! First session starts at 5pm as a prep class for the...Read More
Training of the Day Strict press 1-1-1-1-1 at 92% then 2 rounds of… 10 burpees, 10 box jumps, 10 barbell thrusters, 10 burpees. rest 1 minute. (This is an all out sprint. Hold nothing back) beginner class (Event 2) Clean: Learn the difference between the hang clean, power clean and full clean. Then 18-15-12-9 of…...Read More
beginner class at 10:30 (Event 1) Overhead squat: Evaluate mobility and become profecient in the overhead squat. Then As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of… 8 goblet squats, 8 knee to elbow, 8 hand release push ups Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More