
A. EMOM 10 50 DU B. AMRAP 7 10 Sit Ups 10 Seated Strict press 45/35 C. EMOM 20 5 Front Squats 115/75 (40% FS) 5 Bar lateral Burpees
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A. Tabata; Mtn. Climbers! B. EMOM 10 5 Clean and Jerks @50% Try to go unbroken as long as possible C. For Reps! 4 rounds of: 1 Min ME KBS 70/45 1 Min ME Goblet Squat 1 Min ME KB Deadlift Rest 2 mins between rounds
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Free class at 10:30 with Open Gym until 1! See you there!
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A. 50 Hollow Rocks B. For time: 150 Thrusters 135/95 EMOM Run 400m C. AMRAP 10 5 Muscle Up to HSPU on rings 10 OHS 300/205
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A. 15 Mins of double under skills and practice. (EMOM 10, 50 DU if proficient) B. AMRAP 5 10 Wallball 10 SDHP 55/35 rest 3 minutes C. AMRAP 5 10 Candle Sticks 10 Jumping Lunge rest 3 minutes D. AMRAP 5 10 Incline Push Ups 10 Ring Rows
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A. For form: 10 Skin the Cats B. EMOM 10 5 Push Press 5 T2B C. For time: 100 Wallball sit ups 80 KBS 70/45 60 Cal Row 40 Ring Dip 20 Alt. Pistols **Every 20 reps complete 2 Power Clean and Jerks @ 65%** *Finish with Clean and Jerks*
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A. For form 40 HSPUs. B. EMOM 10 30 DU 1 Snatch @40% Increase snatch weight throughout C. For 24 mins. 1 min on, 1 min off rotating through; Box Jumps Shuttle Run Front Squats 95/65
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A. For form: 30 MU (8 min cap) B. AMRAP 10 @ 80% effort 10 Box Jump Overs 5 Clean and Jerks 135/95 (45%) C. 3 Rounds of: In 2 minutes Rounds: 200m Row ME Push Ups Rest 1 minute 200m Row ME Pull Ups Rest 1 minute 200m Row ME Air Squats Rest 1...
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Cuspis will be closed today for Easter. The gym will be open again with a regular schedule on Monday morning. See you there! 
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