The fifteen minutes following the warm up should be dedicated to running as a skill. Training of the Day In 12 minutes, run 1 mile. Use remaining time to do as many ring dips as possible. Rest 5 minutes In 12 minutes, run 1 mile. Use remaining time to do as many toe to bars...Read More
Training of the Day Tabata shuttle run. 20:10 x8. Sprint from back wall to 50′ mark, touch and run back. Cover as much ground as possible in 20 seconds. Rest 10 seconds, repeat 8 times. Record the interval of the shortest distance traveled in feet. then 3 rounds of…. 2 minute max calorie row 3...Read More
Training of the Day TUT OHS 5 down, 5 hold at the bottom, bounce out. 3-3-3-3-3 @ 65% 1RM then “100’s” 100 pull ups 100 KBS (35/55) 100 Double unders 100 overhead squats (65/95) Time limit is 22 minutes Competitor supplement Bench Press Find your 10 rep max.Read More
Training of the Day Choose one of the following and do as many as possible in 4 minutes. Competion level- 1 arm push ups advanced- Dynamic push up (clapping) Beginner- Dynamic push up hands leave the ground then 3 dead lifts 20 wall ball 3 dead lifts Burpee box jump 3 Dead lifts 20...Read More
Competing at CrossFit is a great way see exactly where you are at! Additionally, it will give you greater self confidence going into future workouts. This is a perfect opportunity if you haven’t done a competition before! Several of your fellow CF Cuspis training partners have already signed up! Training of the Day Jerk 1 every...Read More
We’ll be in getting our swoll on from 10-2p. Come hang out and work on a skill or try to set a new PR at on a benchmark. Training of the Day Get ninjaRead More
Training of the Day High hang squat snatch 3 on the minute x10 minutes at 50-60% of your snatch 1RM focus should be pulling yourself under the bar as fast as possible. then 2 rounds of… 2 minute ME calorie row 1 minute rest 2 minute ME Kettlebell clean and jerk 1 minute rest 2...Read More