Warm-Up: 2 Rounds of each Block – 5 reps of each movement 1- PVC Pass-through, Around-the-Worlds, Good Mornings, Trunk Twists, Squats, Leg Swings 2- PVC Conventional Deadlifts, Snatch Grip Deadlifts, Overhead Squats Snatch Balance, Power Snatch 3- Empty Barbell Snatch Grip Deadlift, High Hang Power Snatch, SLOW Overhead Squats, Controlled Power Snatch Workout: For Time:10 Rounds of:3 Overhead Squats6 Snatch9 Deadlift1 Minute Rest between rounds Aim to use the same bar for all three movementsIf you’re proficient with all three movements, feel free to increase reps to 4/8/12! Focus tomorrow is CONTROL and Full Range of Motion. Stand all the way up each rep, walk out of the gym feeling BETTER about your technique. Think: Perfect ROM over sprinnnnt. If you need two different bars, or one bar and PVC, do it!Rounds should take between 60 and 90 seconds of controlled reps. At-Home Version:10 Rounds of:2 Single-Arm DB Overhead Squats...
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Warm-Up: Agility/Mobility Drills to prepare for running. (GET WARM!) Rehearsal after the Run intervals:4 Rounds of: 5 KB Swings, 5 Goblet Squats, 5 Sit-Ups. Increase speed each round. Strength/Skill: Every 4:00 for 5 rounds Run 500m Track Fastest AND Slowest intervals. (Athletes should get at LEAST :45 rest between intervals) Workout: AMRAP 8 25 Kettlebell Swings (should be done in no more than two sets) 20 Air Squats 15 Sit-Ups At-Home Version: Same workout with Dumbbell Swings
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Warm-Up: 5 Minute AMRAP: 5 reps of each (w PVC) Pass-throughs / Around-the-Worlds / Good Mornings / Trunk Twists / Leg Swings / Squats / Push Press / Thrusters 4 Minute AMRAP: 4 reps of each (w PVC) Snatch Balance / Overhead Squat / Calorie Row / 10 Double-Unders or 20 Single-Unders Workout: 5 Rounds of: AMRAP 5 500m Row / 20 Wall Balls / 10 Snatch (95/65) / Max Effort Double-Unders in remaining time each round Rest 2 minutes between rounds Score is TOTAL number of Double-Unders over all 5 rounds At-Home Version: 5 Rounds of: AMRAP 5 400m Run / 20 PVC/Broomstick Thrusters / 10 Alternating DB Snatch (5 per side) / Max Effort Double-Unders (or lateral hops over DB) in remaining time each round Rest 2 minutes between rounds Score is TOTAL number of Double-Unders/Lateral Hops over all 5 rounds
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Warm-Up: 2 min AMRAPs x4 1- 10 Jumping Jacks / 5 Stretchy Squats / 5 Air Squats 2- 10 In-Place Hops / 5 Up-Down Dogs / 5 Plank Kickbacks 3- 10 Lunge + Stretch / 5 Good Mornings / 5 Hand-Release Push-Ups 4- 10 Hop Squats / 5 Scorpions on stomach / 5 Perfect Push-Ups Strength/Skill: EMOM 10 5 Clean and Jerk @ 40% Tomorrow’s goal is to work on barbell technique at lighter weights. Workout: Complete “New” Magic Number Burpees in 3 Sets Rest 3:00 between sets If 130 is your “New” Magic Number 130 / 3 = 43.3 Reps (44 + 43 + 43) Track Final Time
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Warm-Up: Run Down and Back – Slow, Knee to Chest +3 step down, Heel to Butt +3 steps back, 20 Jumping Jacks Run Down and Back – Medium, Single Leg RDL down, Squat + Broad Jump back, 20 Jumping Jacks Run Down and Back – Medium Fast, 1/2 High Knee 1/2 Butt Kicks down, High Skips back, 20 Jumping Jacks Run Down and Back – FAST, Lateral Lunges down, Long Skips back, 20 Jumping Jacks Workout: Every 4 minute for 8 rounds: 150m Run 10 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts 10 Double Dumbbell Cleans 10 Double Dumbbell Thrusters At-Home Version: Same workout, just with one DB or KB. I’d suggest completing 5 Deadlifts, 5 Cleans, 5 Thrusters with one arm, then switch and complete the complex with the other arm! Track your Fastest AND your Slowest times in SugarWOD. The goal today is to PUSH your speed and WANT that rest! Be...
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1 150 151 152 153 154 316