Friday 5/29


Run Down and Back – Slow, Knee to Chest +3 step down, Heel to Butt +3 steps back, 20 Jumping Jacks

Run Down and Back – Medium, Single Leg RDL down, Squat + Broad Jump back, 20 Jumping Jacks

Run Down and Back – Medium Fast, 1/2 High Knee 1/2 Butt Kicks down, High Skips back, 20 Jumping Jacks

Run Down and Back – FAST, Lateral Lunges down, Long Skips back, 20 Jumping Jacks


Every 4 minute for 8 rounds:

150m Run

10 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts

10 Double Dumbbell Cleans

10 Double Dumbbell Thrusters

At-Home Version:

Same workout, just with one DB or KB. I’d suggest completing 5 Deadlifts, 5 Cleans, 5 Thrusters with one arm, then switch and complete the complex with the other arm!

Track your Fastest AND your Slowest times in SugarWOD.

The goal today is to PUSH your speed and WANT that rest!

Be smart. Move well. Get some.

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