Workout: EMOM 32  Rotate between:9/6 Calories on Rower or Bike (Pick one and stick with it the entire workout)  30 Double-Unders (50 if you’re really good!) 15 Sit Ups  5 Muscle UpsĀ (Ring or Bar – reps each round should be completed in 2 sets maximum) – Modifications: 5 Pull-Ups/Ring Rows + 5 Banded Ring/Box Dips (full ROM and controlled reps for the dips. Don’t just bounce on bands.) Track something fun about your workout today! At-Home Version: 20 PVC/Broomstick Sumo Deadlift High Pulls / 30 DUs or Lateral Hops over object / 15 Sit-Ups / 5 Single-Arm Dumbbell Bent-Over Rows per arm (not alternating) + 5 Bench/Chair/Couch Dip
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Workout: For time: Row 1K (5:30 time cap) Rest 4  Run 1K (5:30 time cap) Rest 4 75 Burpees (5:30 time cap) Rest 4  50 Clean and Jerks 95/65 This workout should *not* be viewed as an active recovery day. The rest periods are designed to allow for athletes to have a long time between segments. That gives each of you permission to push through the first three parts! For the Clean and Jerks, focus on proper technique with a strong set-up position and controlled lockout each rep. No gripping and ripping! Adjust weight to aim for touch-and-go sets of at least 5-7 at a time. At-Home Version: 100 PVC/Broomstick Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (complete these with perfect technique: chest up and feet flat when the PVC is at mid-shin, squeeze glutes and keep elbows above wrists at the top. Nice and steady tempo!) / Rest 4 / Run 1K / Rest...
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Workout: 8 rounds of:Every 12 seconds for 5 rounds:2 Touch and Go Snatch @ 40%@ 1:00 Run 150m @ 3:00 Repeat Today starts our cycle of improving “Barbell Cycling” with Snatches. Make priority number one to ensure the second rep looks as close to the first as possible. The weight should be light enough to be able to focus on technique. Track weight used, feel free to include average run splits in comments. At-Home Version: 8 rounds of:Every 12 seconds for 5 rounds:4 Alternating Touch and Go Dumbbell Snatch (2 per side)@ 1:00 Run 150m @ 3:00 Repeat
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Workout: 2 rounds for reps: AMRAP 2 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch Rest 2  AMRAP 2 Alternating Weighted Box Step UpRest 2  AMRAP 2 Goblet Squats Rest 2  AMRAP 2 Alternating Clean and Jerk  Rest 2  Track TOTAL REPS covered over all 8 round of work. Feel free to provide a more detailed breakdown in the comments section. Use the same single dumbbell for all movements and aim for sets of at least 10 reps at a time. Hold the weight any way for weighted step-ups. On both Snatches and Clean and Jerks both heads of the dumbbell should touch the ground every rep. At-Home Version: Same workout!
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Workout: 6 rounds for reps:AMRAP 315 Box Jumps 30 Kettlebell Swings  On Rounds 1, 3, 5 Max-Effort Thrusters  On Rounds 2, 4, 6 Max-Effort Bar-Facing Burpees  Rest 2 mins between rounds At-Home Version: 6 rounds for reps:AMRAP 315 Step-Ups 30 Single-Arm DB/KB Swings  On Rounds 1, 3, 5 Max-Effort Single-Arm DB/KB Thrusters (switch hands whenever you’d like) On Rounds 2, 4, 6 Max-Effort Bar-Facing Burpees 
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