For time:100 Kettlebell Swings50 Steps Walking Lunge100 Sit-Ups50 Box Jump-Overs1000 Meters Row or Run At-Home Version: 100 Kettlebell Swings / 50 Steps Walking Lunge / 100 Sit-Ups / 50 Box Jump-Overs / 1000 Meters Run
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For time:25 Snatch @55%Every time you drop the bar:Run 400m 25 Snatch @ 55%Every time you drop the bar:10 Bar-Facing Burpees 25 Snatch @55%Every time you drop the bar:Row 15/10 Calories The workout ends when the athlete completes their 75th rep. The 25 reps checkpoints just change the “bar dropping” penalty. Intended Stimulus: Barbell cycling and steady cardio
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Strength: EMOM 105 Back Squat @ 50-55% Workout: AMRAP 147 Power Cleans 95/659 Toes-to-Bar11 Wall Balls Intended Stimulus: Aim to complete Power Cleans in no more than two sets and Wall Balls unbroken
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Strength: EMOM 103 Strict Press 2 second pause at the lockout (overhead) position Feel free to add weight over the course of the EMOM, but stop before form breaks down. Workout: For time:21-15-9Burpees50 Double-Unders after each round Rest 3 For time:21-15-9Pull Ups50 Double-Unders after each round Track FINAL TIME at the end of the second part. Intended Stimulus: Push the pace! Jump Rope Modifications: 50 Double-Unders per round, 100 Single-Unders per round, or 1:30 of Jump Rope PRACTICE per round. At-Home Version:Burpees and Jump Rope version stays the same.For Pull-Ups, double the reps each round and complete bent-over DB/KB Rows in their place
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Strength: 3 Rounds3 Turkish Get-Ups per side5 Slow Birddogs per side Rest :90 between rounds Track heaviest weight used for Turkish Get-Ups. Workout: AMRAP 20150m Run25 Kettlebell Swings 55/3525 Box Jumps Intended Stimulus: Steady tempo throughout, planned short rests between sets Aim to complete Swings in 2-3 sets each round. Power comes from hips! At-Home Version:25 DB/KB Swings, 25 Box Step-Ups
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