Training of the Day AMRAP in 24 minutes of, 4 touch and go cleans at 70%, 6 unbroken ring dips, 12 unbroken double unders (Cleans must be done without releasing the bar or letting the bar rest on the ground) beginner class (Event 6) Jerk:Become famliar with the press, push press, power jerk and split...Read More
Training of the Day Squat; 1-1-1-1 at 92% then 150m farmer carry, 40 goblet squats, 150m sprint, 40 kettlebell snatch Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More
Training of the Day 2 Power jerk @ 80%, 40ft handstand walk, 4 power jerk, 30 slam ball, 6 jerk, 20 alternating pistols, 8 jerk, 10 burpee box jumps beginner class (Evnet 5) Gymnastic skill: Establish comfort in an inverted position. Work on handstand, handstand push up and handstand walk. Then; As many rounds as...Read More
ANNOUNCEMENT: Tuesday, 8/19 Dr. Missy Albrecht will be hosting a new format for mobility. The results were extraordinary from our prior Sunday Mobility classes, but there wasn’t many of you that were able to attend due to the time it was held. We are going to host mobility classes that are 1/2 hour long that run...Read More
ANNOUNCEMENT: Tuesday, 8/19 Dr. Missy Albrecht will be hosting a new format for mobility. The results were extraordinary from our prior Sunday Mobility classes, but there wasn’t many of you that were able to attend due to the time it was held. We are going to host mobility classes that are 1/2 hour long that...Read More
beginner class at 10:30 (Event 3) Squat: Establish profeciency in full range back squat, build to a moderate weight. Then: 2 rounds of… 100ft weighted walking lunge, 20 burpees, 100ft weighted walking lunge, 20 kettlebell swings Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More
Training of the Day Strict press 2-2-2-2 @ 90% then 150m sprint. rest :20. 500m run. rest :20. 150m sprint. rest :20. 2 minutes to complete as many deficit Handstand push ups as possible (every rep reduces total run time by :05. Include the 3, :20 rest periods into the run time) beginner class (Event...Read More
Training of the Day 9-6-3 of hang power snatch @ 80% and ring dips. Immediatly into 9-6-3 of power cleans at 80% and bar muscle ups (Use only 1 bar. practice changing the weight mid set) Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More
Training of the Day Front Squat 2-2-2-2 at 90% then 2 rounds for total reps of…1 min. max rep barbell thruster. rest :30. 1 Minute max rep pull ups. rest :30. 1 minute max calorie row. rest :30 beginner class (Event 1) Overhead squat: Evaluate mobility and become profecient in the overhead squat. 10 alternating...Read More