Workout #1: AMRAP 8 Increasing Ladder: 1- Pull-Up 2- Hand-Release Push-Ups Pull-Ups go up by 1, HRPU remain double the reps of Pull-Up (Ex: 1 Pull-Up + 2 HRPU, 2 Pull-Up + 4 HRPU + 3 Pull-Up + 6 HRPU) Workout #2: EMOM 10 1- 8 Double-DB Bent-Over Reverse Flies + 8 Double-DB Front Raises + Forearm in remaining time (~5-15#, each part should take ~:20) 2- 8 Half-Kneeling DB Press (R) + 8 Half-Kneeling DB Press (L) (~10-25#, should take at least :40 per round) TWO-MINUTE TESTER: Max Reps Burpees to Pull-Up Bar
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