50 Cal Bike or Row EMOM 14 10 T2B on EVEN 10 Deadlift 185/125 on ODD AMRAP 10 On the RIGHT ARM: 5 KBS, 5 KB Snatch, 5 KB Clean, 5 KB Press, 5 KB Thrusters. On the LEFT ARM: SameRead more
50 KBS 2 mins of planks EMOM 10 10 Cal AirDyne on EVEN 3 Power Cleans on ODD @70% EMOM 10 12/9 Cals Row on EVEN 3 Power Cleans on ODD EMOM 10 10 Burpees on EVEN 3 Power Cleans on ODDRead more
3 mins V-up hold EMOM 8:20 ME HSPU Rest 2 Every :30 for 5 mins5 Pull Ups For time:21-15-9Deadlift 155/105Box Jumps 24/20 Rest 115-12-9Deadlift 185/125 Box Jumps 30/24Read more