Classes today are at 12:00. 4:30, and 5:30. 50 KBS Every 2 mins for 5 rounds: 10 Deadlifts @ 65% AMRAP 5 ME Cal Row Rest 2 AMRAP 5 Box Jumps Rest 2AMRAP 5 ME Clean and Jerk @65%Rest 2AMRAP 5 ME Snatch @ 65%Read more
Classes today will be at 515, 615, 1200, and 430. 12 days of Christmas! 1 Bear Complex 95/652 Muscle Ups 3 Burpees4 Push Ups 5 Pull Ups 6 Air Squats 7 Wallball 8 T2B9 KBS 55/3510 Box Jumps 11 HSPU 12 Cal RowRead more