Warm-Up: 3 x 3 Minute Rounds (1) PVC/Broomstick Pass-Throughs / Around-the-Worlds / Press / Trunk Twists / Good Mornings / Back Squats Start with one rep of each, and add one rep each round! (2) Inch Worm + Knee-to-Elbow / Knee-to-Opposite-Elbow / Scorpion, Scorpion on Back / Hip Bridge / Single-Leg Hip Bridge (3) Dumbbell Deadlift / Hang Squat Clean / Front Squat x2 / Bear Crawl – Forwards and Backwards 5-10 Steps Strength: 4 Rounds for FORM! 3 Wall Walks OR 540-degree Pike Push-Up Walk 12 Hip Bridges + 2 Second Pause (Weight over hips if you want) Track weight used for Hip Bridges and any relevant notes. Workout: AMRAP 18 21 Alternating Dumbbell Deadlift 15 Goblet Squats 9 Burpees 30-Day Push-Up Challenge: Day 23: 25 Second Plank 5 Sets
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Warm-Up: 1 Minute Rounds:(1) Scorpion on Back / (2) Scorpion on Stomach / (3) Lunge + Stretch, Mountain Climber + Stretch / (4) Inch Worm + Scap Push-Up + Push-Up / (5) Turkish Sit-Up + Glute Bridge / (6) Hop Squat + Broad Jump 2 Rounds:10 Floor Press per arm / 8 Knuckles to Toes / 6 Lateral Hops over DB – Turkish Get-Up Practice – Workout: For Time: 1000m Run 100 Lateral Hops over Dumbbell or 200 Double-Unders (2:30 time cap) 80 Jumping Lunges 60 Push-Ups 40 Broad Jumps 20 Turkish Get-Ups 500m Run “Couch to 5K” – RACE WEEK! Day 2: All: 4 x 400m Cadence Laps Rest as needed between intervals. Aim to increase speed/cadence/tempo each 400m distance as you identify Race Day pacing! 30-Day Push-Up Challenge: Day 20: 26 Reps 15 Reps 10 Reps
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Warm-Up: 7 x 1 Minute Rounds (1) Flop + Scorpions x2 + Flat Feet Jump-Up, (2) Arm Swings/Circles/Stretches, (3) World’s Greatest Stretch, (4) Plank Up-Downs + Body Saws, (5) 90-90’s, (6) Scap Push-Ups + Down/Up Dog, (7) Duck Walk + Kneel Up-Downs Burpee with Max Height Jump! 1 – 5: Complete one Burpee and jump as high as you possibly can. Rest. Complete two Burpees jumping as high as you can. Rest. Repeat all the way up to 5 Burpees. This should be a nice little “primer” for our Part A today! Workout: A: EMOM 10 Magic Number Burpees +3! -Rest 3 Minutes- B: AMRAP 10 20 Weighted Step-Ups 20 Sit-Ups -Rest 3 Minutes- C: EMOM 10 ODD- 12 Single-Arm Thrusters (6 per arm) EVEN- :30 Plank Hold 30-Day Push-Up Challenge: Day 21: 26 Reps 15 Reps 5 Reps
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Warm-Up: 2 Minutes- UPPER Body (swings, crosses, twists, stretch) 2 Minutes- LOWER Body (swings, squats, lunges, stretch) 2 Minutes- CARDIO Body (air squat, jump squat, push-up, burpee) Strength: 5 Rounds for FORM! 20 Standing Dumbbell Shoulder-to-Overhead (10 per arm) – Superset with – 10 Dumbbell Windmills (5 per arm) Workout: 2 Rounds for Time: 1 Round = 400m Run 4 Rounds of: 5 Single-Arm Dumbbell Row, 10 Push-Ups, 15 Air Squats 400m Run Rest 3 Minutes between rounds “Couch to 5K” – RACE WEEK! Day 1: All: 8 x 200m Run Track Fastest and Slowest times, leave all other times and notes in comments. 30-Day Push-Up Challenge: Day 20: 24 Reps 14 Reps 8 Reps
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Warm-Up: 2 Minute Rounds #1- Reach and Pull, Reverse Lunge + Samson, Shoulder Rotations Wrist Stretching #2 – Inch Worm Variations (Lower + Cobra, Knees to Elbow/Opposite, Side Plank) Forearm Stretching #3 – Plank Kickback + Mountain Climber, Push-Up Varities, Burpee Strength: 50 Dive Bomb Push-Ups for FORM Workout: 5 Rounds for time: :40 Right Side Plank :40 Left Side Plank 10 Dumbbell Hang Snatch + Lunge per leg “Couch to 5K” – Week 4, Day 3 All: 30 minute run at 80% of ideal race pace 30-Day Push-Up Challenge Day 10: 22 Reps10 Reps5 Reps
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