Friday 4/17


2 Minute Rounds

#1- Reach and Pull, Reverse Lunge + Samson, Shoulder Rotations

  • Wrist Stretching

#2 – Inch Worm Variations (Lower + Cobra, Knees to Elbow/Opposite, Side Plank)

  • Forearm Stretching

#3 – Plank Kickback + Mountain Climber, Push-Up Varities, Burpee


50 Dive Bomb Push-Ups for FORM


5 Rounds for time:

:40 Right Side Plank

:40 Left Side Plank

10 Dumbbell Hang Snatch + Lunge per leg

“Couch to 5K” – Week 4, Day 3

All: 30 minute run at 80% of ideal race pace

30-Day Push-Up Challenge

Day 10:

22 Reps
10 Reps
5 Reps

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