Tuesday 4/21


7 x 1 Minute Rounds

(1) Flop + Scorpions x2 + Flat Feet Jump-Up, (2) Arm Swings/Circles/Stretches, (3) World’s Greatest Stretch, (4) Plank Up-Downs + Body Saws, (5) 90-90’s, (6) Scap Push-Ups + Down/Up Dog, (7) Duck Walk + Kneel Up-Downs

Burpee with Max Height Jump! 1 – 5:

Complete one Burpee and jump as high as you possibly can. Rest. Complete two Burpees jumping as high as you can. Rest. Repeat all the way up to 5 Burpees. This should be a nice little “primer” for our Part A today!


A: EMOM 10

Magic Number Burpees +3!

-Rest 3 Minutes-


20 Weighted Step-Ups

20 Sit-Ups

-Rest 3 Minutes-

C: EMOM 10

ODD- 12 Single-Arm Thrusters (6 per arm)

EVEN- :30 Plank Hold

30-Day Push-Up Challenge:

Day 21:

26 Reps

15 Reps

5 Reps

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