Warm-Up: 2 Rounds of- 10 Arm Circles/Stretches, 1 Inch Worm + Lunge Stretch on both sides, 3 Down to Up Dogs, 5 Scorpions per side on stomach, 3 Plank Kickbacks, 1 Burpee with High Jump With a light Kettlebell perform 2 Rounds of- 10 Single-Arm Suitcase Deadlifts / 8 Single-Arm KB Swings / 6 Front Rack KB Front Squats / 4 Single-Arm KB Push Press + Pause / 2 Single-Arm KB Thrusters – Switch arms, and repeat. Then, complete both arms again! Pull-Up Warm-Up (scap pull-ups, kips, etc) Clean, Jerk, Thruster Warm-Up Workouts: AMRAP 12 #1 10 Pull Ups / Ring Rows – aim for sets of 3-5 10 Thrusters (75/45) – aim to go unbroken most rounds Rest 5  AMRAP 12 #2  Row 10/7 Calories 10 Clean and Jerks (75/45) – aim to cycle most reps each round At-Home Version: AMRAP #1- 5 Single-Arm DB Bent-Over Rows per arm / 5...
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Warm-Up: Run 150 slow2 minutes Squat Stretching (start slow, move faster as you go):30 jump rope singles Run 150 medium2 minutes Shoulder Stretching (start slow, move faster as you go):30 faster singles or slow doubles Run 150 fast2 minutes pull-up/ring row warm-up (scap pull-ups, kips, slow negatives, etc):30 Max-Effort double-unders or FAST singles (UB) Workout #1: 5 rounds of:AMRAP 21 Round of Cindy (Cindy = 5 Pull-Ups, 10 Push-Ups, 15 Air Squats)Max-Effort Reps of a movement in remaining time. Rest 1 between each round Rd 1- Wall Ball Rd 2- Sit-Ups Rd 3- Lateral Hop over KB (over + back = 1) Rd 4- KB swing Rd 5- Medicine Ball Clean Track total reps of “Max-Effort” movements over all 5 rounds At-Home Version: 5 rounds of:AMRAP 21 Round of Cindy (Cindy = 3 Single-Arm Bent-Over DB Rows per side, 10 Push-Ups, 15 Air Squats)Max-Effort Reps of a movement in remaining...
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Warm-Up: 3 Rounds (get faster each round) 10 Jumping Jacks / 8 Heel-to-Butt + Lunge + Stretch (4 per side) / 6 Stretchy Squats / 4 Inch Worm + Up and Down Dog / 2 Burpees (jump higher each round) Toe to Bar Warm-Up on Rig Barbell Warm-Up for Cleans and Shoulder to Overhead Workout: 3 rounds of: 1 min Max Effort: Burpees / Box Jumps / Toes to Bar / Hang Squat Clean @ 40% / Shoulder to Overhead  Rest 1:00 after each movement! At-Home Version Burpees / Step-Ups / 1/2 V-Ups (L + R = 2) / Single-Arm Alternating Hang Squat Clean / Single-Arm Shoulder to Overhead (alternate as desired) Track TOTAL REPS completed over all three rounds. Jot down any relevant notes in Comments section. Focus for today is INTENSITY! Aim to work for the entire 60 seconds each round!
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Warm-Up: 5 Minute AMRAP 10 Jumping Jacks / Then 5 reps each of Leg Swings w PVC per leg / PVC Pass-Throughs + Around-the-Worlds / Good Mornings / Behind-the-Neck Snatch Grip Push Press / Overhead Squats 2 Rounds of: “The 56’s” – 5 movements, 6 reps of each Snatch Grip Deadlift, High Hang High Pulls, Muscle Snatches, Behind-the-Neck Thrusters, Bent-Over Rows 3 High Hang Power Snatch / 3 Hang Power Snatch / 3 Power Snatch(Footwork! Drive up with legs, pull under the bar aggressively with your arms) Run 150m easy after the first round and 150m fast after the second round! Workout: 8 rounds of:At 0:00Every 8 seconds for 7 rounds, complete 1 Snatch @45%At 1:00Run 400mAt 4:00 Repeat The goal is to move with solid technique with the barbell. At-Home Version:Alternating DB Snatch reps Track weight used for Snatches (either barbell or DB)
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Warm-Up: 150m Slow Run (:45 of cardio) 5 Reps each of: Arm Circles/Crosses, Heel-to-Butt + Lunge per leg, Stretchy-Squats + Rotation, Staggered-Stance Good Mornings, Wrist Stretches, Inch Worm + Scap Push-Ups 150m Medium Run (:45 of cardio) 5 Reps each of: Empty Bar Romanian Deadlifts, High Hang Power Cleans, Pause Front Squats, Push Press + Pause (Stretch in each position) x 2 150m Fast Run (:45 of cardio) 5 Reps each of: Empty Bar Deadlifts, Hang Power Cleans, Front Squats, Push Jerks, Bar-Facing Burpees x 2 Workout: For time: 1000m Run  50 Hang Power Cleans @ 95/65  50 Shoulder to Overhead  50 Front Squats  50 Bar-Facing Burpees  500m Run  – Aim for sets of ~10 reps at a time – If weather doesn’t allow for running outside, complete ~5:00 of cardio for the 1000m run and ~2:30 of cardio for the 500m run. Cardio can be Jump Rope, Box Step-Ups, In-Place...
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