Workout: EMOM 30: Rotate betweenMinute 1- 3 Power Cleans @ 65% Minute 2- 30 Double-Unders (or 60 Single-Unders) Minute 3- 7 Bar-Facing Burpees The primary focus of this workout is strong, single reps on the Power Cleans. Work to drive UP with the legs and pull yourself UNDER with your arms. Barbell should land on your shoulders with elbows pointing straight ahead each rep. Move WELL today, don’t just get through the workout. Our next Strength Cycle will be here before we know it! Track weight used for Power Cleans. At-Home Version:Min 1- 5 Alternating DB Snatch per armMin 2- 30 DU / 60 Single-Unders (aim for at least 15 seconds rest before next minute)Min 3- 7 Burpees with Lateral Hop over DB
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Workout #1: AMRAP 12 5 Pull Ups / Ring Rows 10 Deadlift  (155/105)15 Kettlebell Swings Aim for unbroken sets of “medium weight” Deadlift and Russian/eye-level Swings. Rest 6  Workout #2: AMRAP 12 5 Handstand Push-Up / 5 Dumbbell Z-Press10 Front Squat (95/65) 15 Sit Ups Control lockout of both HSPU and Z-Press for a second, and take no more than two sets to get through Squats. At-Home Version: AMRAP 125 Controlled Bent-Over Single Arm DB/KB Row per arm10 Alternating Single-Arm DB Deadlift (5 per arm, chest up tall, switch hands with weight on the ground)15 Single-Arm DB/KB Swing (stick with one arm for an entire round)Rest 6AMRAP 125 Single-Arm Z-Press per arm / Single-Arm Push Press if weight is too heavy for Z-Press10 DB/KB Goblet Squat15 Sit Ups
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Workout: 7 rounds of: Every 15 seconds for 4 rounds: 3 Touch-and-Go Power Snatch @ 40% (same weight as last week) @ 1:00 Run 400m @ 4:00 Repeat  Track weight used for barbell. In comments, feel free to track slowest and fastest 400m run times.
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Workout: AMRAP 8  10 Plate Ground to Overhead (45/25lbs) 10 Alternating Plate Toe Taps per leg 10 Sit-Ups  Rest 3  EMOM 8 :30 Max Rep Burpees on Odd minutes :30 Plank on Even minutes Rest 3  AMRAP 8  15 Wall Balls (20/14 – Aim to complete each round in 2 sets max)  30 Double-Unders (60 Single-Unders)  Score first workout as AMRAP, second workout as fewest Burpees completed in any :30 round, third as AMRAP. At-Home Version: #1- 10 Alternating DB Snatch (5/arm) + 10 Alternating DB Toe Taps per leg + 10 Sit-Ups #2- :30 Max Burpees on Odd minutes + :30 Plank on Even minutes #3- 15 Single-Arm DB Thrusters (Switch as needed) or PVC Thrusters + 30 Double-Unders or Lateral Hops over line
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Workout: AMRAP 30  1 Double Bear Complex 150m run  Double Bear Complex = 2 of each rep; Power Clean, Power Clean, Front Squat, Front Squat, Shoulder to Overhead, Shoulder to Overhead, Back Squat, Back Squat, Shoulder to Overhead <re-rack on front of shoulders>, Shoulder to Overhead. That = 1 rep. Aim to complete all reps without letting go of the bar, but complete as distinct separate movements. Today’s suggested weight is going to vary from athlete to athlete. Each athlete has two ways to approach it. The first is if you know your strength numbers/endurance/mobility right now, feel free to challenge yourself to something a little bit heavier than usual, as long as you can perform the “complex” unbroken throughout the entire workout. The second option is to start at an intentionally light weight. If it’s going well, make a small increase at the 10:00 mark. Then if you’re still...
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