Training of the Day 50 toe to bar, 10 push press at 75%, 50 burpee, 10 push press, 50 slam ball, 10 push press, 50 HR push ups, Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More
Training of the Day Dead lift; 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 @ 90% (You have 12 minutes total to complete the 7 reps. Recover as needed in between) then 4 rounds of….1 squat snatch at 85%, 2 rope climbs, 3 squat cleans with a 3 second hold at the bottom (Use same weight as snatch bar), 4 chest to...Read More
beginner class at 10:30 (Event 5) Gymnastic skills: Ring pass through and support position. As many rounds as possible in 14 minutes of 7 dips, 14 burpees, 21 air squats Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More
Training of the Day 20 handstand push ups, 5 bar muscle ups, 20 power snatches (65%), 5 ring muscle ups, 20 slam ball. Every minute on the minute: Back squat @ 80% (Time cut off is 15 minutes) beginner class (Event 4) Snatch: learn the snatch. Difference between the hang, power and full. Then; As...Read More
Training of the Day Jerk, on the minute at 85% for 10 minutes then 500m run time trial. Rest 1 minute. 500m row time trial. rest :30. Max rep double unders in :90 (Combine run and row time. subtract 1 second for every double under completed) Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More
Training of the Day 5 rounds for time of… 6 power cleans @ 75%, 8 box jumps (30/24), 10 knee to elbow beginner class (Event 3) Squat: Build to a moderatly heavy Front and back squat. Then; 40 wall ball, 30 kettlebell swing, 20 thrusters, 10 pull ups Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More
Training of the Day Back squat: 5-4-3-2 @ 85% (Send off on the :90) then max rep unbroken wall ball (20/14). Rest :15. max rep unbroken Kettlebell swings (35/55) Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More
As the month moves forward you may notice that about half of the days only have a single training component. Use the little bit of extra time to master the movement patterns and improve mobility. Training of the Day AMRAP in 24 minutes of… 5 shoulder to overhead @ 70%, 7 strict pull ups, 9...Read More
beginner class at 10:30 (Event 1) Overhead squat: Evaluate mobility and become profecient in the overhead squat. Then; 3 rounds for time of 500m run and 20 overhead squats Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More