Strength: TEST DAY 15 minutes to find 1RM Clean and Jerk All athletes should *strive* to complete Squat Clean and Split Jerk Workout: For time: 10-1 Toes-to-Bar 1-10 Heavy Ball SlamsRead More
Workout: FLEX Day Complete 5 rounds, NOT for time, of: 10 Standing Barbell Curls (@31X1 tempo) 8 PVC Jump-Overs (box jump, but jump over PVC) 10 Heavy Single-Arm KB Swings per arm 8 Ring Dips 15/20 Calorie Row SPRINTRead More
Strength: Back Squat E2MOM5 rounds of 8 reps Increase weight each set. Workout: 4 Rounds for time: 12 Hang Power Snatches* (65/95#) 10 Pull-Ups OR 7 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups OR 4 Muscle-Ups 8 BurpeesRead More
Strength: TEST DAY! Take 15 minutes to build to a 2RM Deadlift Workout: For Time: 40 Deadlifts 75/115# 500m Run 30 Hang Power Cleans 75/115# 500m Run 20 Shoulder-to-Overhead 75/115# 500m Run 10 Clusters 75/115#Read More
Workout: AMRAP 3 Max Calorie Echo Bike Rest :90 seconds AMRAP 3 Max Reps “Death By Wall Ball” (Complete 1 rep, rest, 2 unbroken reps, rest, 3 unbroken reps, and so on, adding one rep each set. Track reps of final completed set, Hail Mary Rule applies to the final attempt.) Rest :90 seconds AMRAP...Read More
Workout: For Time: “Half Murph, Half Speed, Walk-Through” Run 800m 50 Pull-Ups100 Push-Ups 150 Air Squats Run 800m Today’s workout is to practice partitioning styles for Murph Day with less overall volume.Read More